I Dreamt of You: A Poem

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To: The Boy I Hope To See Again

i dreamt of you again

you hugged me

held me tight

said you can't lose me

a second time


i lay awake in my bed

wondering if that's how you really felt

or maybe it's all in my head

dreams of you

only come once in a while

so i have to wonder

do you have the same dreams i do?

ill text my best friend

tell her "idk what to do"

because my day is ruined

just by the memory of you

ill twist and turn

shake my head

until you disappear

vanish like you were never here

i don't hate you

far from it

i don't love you

far from it

my friends call me delusional

and i probably am

but i just wanna know

what would happen

if i saw you again

you hugged me

held me tight

and it was just a dream

so tell me why

i can still feel your arms around me?

you said you can't lose me

a second time

but it was just a dream

so tell me why

i can still hear your voice like a soft scream?

i dreamt of you again

and it was far from pleasant

i dreamt of you

and i hope it never happens again 

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