I Hate Romance: A Poem

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To: The Guy & The Girl Who Shall Not Be Named

i hate romance

because of glances they exchange in class each day

i hate romance

because of the flowers displayed on valentine's day

i hate romance

because of the books i read

oh, the books i read

where he memorizes her laugh

he seals all their kisses in a jar in the back of his mind

he wants to know her not until death but even after that

he promises, in their next life, he'll find her again

i hate romance

because of the high standards i set

the unrealistic expectations in my head

she sneaks out just to see him

he spends his last penny to put a rock on her hand

she helps him escape his psychotic uncle

he takes a knife to the neck of the guy who abused her the night before-

maybe im the problem

im the problem

im the unknown variable in every math question

im the unknown variable but im not "x"

im not an (e)x

and i dont know y

i dont know why this happened for a second time

i thought i outran them

i thought i left them behind

but they found me again

they hid their faces this time

their intentions impossible to determine

i trusted them

why did i trust again?

but who can i trust?

if i cant trust anyone

it's a lonely world

a world where people take what they want

a world where you're supposed to forgive and forget

a world where you're supposed to move on like nothing happened

im done!

ill hug you and say i forgive you

but i wont forget

i wont forget his necklace around your neck

or his ring on your finger

i wont forget his hoodie in your backpack


you think i didnt notice?

i noticed the glances you two exchanged in class each day

i noticed the flowers he gave you on valentines day

i noticed.

but you didnt notice me

and now

i hate romance

because of you

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