Part 27

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Y/N- What are you doing here?

You look at him with an annoyed face.

He doesn't answer you and goes over to you, he sits in the bath and holds your hair for you.

Y/N- I don't need your help, you know ...

Tom- Just shut up and keep vomiting.

You look at him with your face all red from forcing yourself to vomit to feel better.

Tom- What? You never learned how to drink and you wanted to drown your sorrows in alcohol like an 18-year-old girl.

You roll your eyes.

Y/N- I'm not here to listen to your fatherly sermon.

Tom- It's hard for you to hear things when I'm the one saying them, isn't it?

Y/N- Just go away, I don't need you.

You say as you try to push his wrist to let go of your hair.

He pushes and turns your face to look at him.

Tom- I'll help you throw up.

You look at him and start saying no with your distressed face because obviously, that's not going to happen, it CAN'T happen. How cringe, how embarrassing, IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.Tom tries to force his fingers into your mouth to make you throw up but you close your mouth so he doesn't.

Tom- Y/N, we can stay here all night. I'm not leaving until you're well.

Y/N- But I'm fine, I just need to eat and sleep.

Tom- Try to get up without getting dizzy then.

You look at him.

Y/N- Okay.

Clearly it wasn't the best idea because as soon as he untangled his fingers from your hair, you stood up and started to see everything spinning around you. You were still buzzed from all the booze you'd had at the party.
You sit back down and put your head on the toilet seat and Tom starts laughing. You open your eyes again and he's trying not to laugh while he takes your picture.

Y/N- You're so stupid, that's why you and I will never have anything.

The smile quickly disappears from his face.

Tom- I was joking, you don't seem to understand that...

Y/N- Joking ?

You interrupt with a serious tone.

Y/N- Tom, you're ALWAYS joking, you're already an adult. You know perfectly well that you're hurting me with everything you've done so far. I can't seem to be myself around you, I have to worry all the time about everything and what others might reveal about you. You're uncertain and I don't like it.

He looks at you with a serious look.
Tom- Is that why you kissed my brother? Because you're not sure how you feel about me Y/N? That's not right either. I know I have my problems and I often can't show how I feel, but I thought that eventually I would overcome this fear of commitment.

Y/N- I didn't kiss your brother to get over you Tom, don't be such a prick. I don't care if you have fears or not, I'm sick of guys like you. You're disgusting.

You speak with a louder tone.He looks at you shocked.

Tom- This must be the effects of the drink, I know this isn't how you feel about me.

The Boy Next Door- Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now