Finally found?

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I had been keeping my distance from Seb to keep him safe however when Enzo and Hank came back completley panicked, I knew I had done the wrong thing.

"He's gone! We can't find him!" They say as claw marks drag down the skin, "whats going on?" I ask "Seb, he ran of and there were rouges" Hank says almost cutting himself of from saying anymore, we didn't teach him about rouges.

"Where is he?" I ask, they look at each other as if trying to hold tears back. "He fell of a cliff, there was a lake bellow but we've searched everywhere and he wasn't at the end of it" Enzo says pacing in panick.

I can't believe what I'm hearing, have we finally lost out pup for good? I refuse to believe that, I grab my phone "what are you doing?" They ask "I'm informing every wolf I know to keep an eye out" after doing so, I head back out with the guys to do a complete clear search of the woods again.

We came back empty handed, it's been 5 days since  he's been gone. I can't bare the thought of him being gone but if he is alive, he's probably out there scared, alone, hurt.

The house has been so dull and lifeless without him, we have begun to snap at each other and lash out in anger.

The further Seb feels away the more our bond causes us pain. "Suddenly my phone rings "Hello?" I grab it with a dull tone, everytime it's rung it's for someone to tell us they will keep looking.

"Are you the Alphas that lost a pup?" A voice echous in the other end "Yes" I say hesitantly, "I can't be sure if it's the same pup but my pack members recently found a pup by a lake".

I instantly stand up getting the guys attention, "is he hurt?"I asked panicked "slightly but he seemed more determined to get home, I think hid name was Seb" my eyes brighten at hearing his name.

"Yes that's him!" I say. He's alive!! "Where are you, we'll come get him" I say putting smiles on the guys faces as they overhear the conversation.

There was a slight silence on the other end, "there's one problem, he's not here anymore" instantly eveything comes crashing down on me again "what do u mean?".

There's a sigh "I thought the person that had got in contact with me was his Alpha, I knew something was wrong when they came to pick him up" my eyes glow golden, some wolf has my pup! "So you gave our pup to a fucking stranger!" I growl.

"I am really sorry, I've been trying to find them ever since. Seb seemed to know the guy" wait what? "What did he look like?" I ask, "dark brown hair, 6 foot, he was a beta" my mind instantly stills, that fucking beta! "Okay thank you, you've been a great help" i tell him before ending the call.

"That fucking beta has our pup!" I say to the guys. We instantly are on our way heading to alariks.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now