first punishment

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The first two days have been quite successful with Seb except today he doesn't seem like the vonurable cuddly pup he was in the first two days, he's gone back to being rude, swearing and throwing things.

We took away the remote to the TV as punishment and we took away his xbox games yet it doesn't seem to have an affect.

"Fuck off!" I hear Seb yell, I've been trying to catch up on some work but all I can hear is Seb, Hank and Enzo arguing. I sigh walking out of my room and down the hallway to find Enzo and Hank outside Sebs room.

"Whats going on?" I ask, they both don't look pleased. "He locked himself in his room" Enzo says, "give him some time, this is what that rooms for" I tell them. "He has a knife in his pocket" Hank says taking me me by surprise. "Where the hell did he get a knife from" "he must have gotten it from the kitchen when we werent looking" Enzo exclaims.

With the past experience we now keep all dangerous things away from Seb, unsure of what his temperament is like. I bang on the door with my fist "Seb, open the door" I say in an athorative tone. There's silence, I take a deep breathe frying to keep my calm "Seb we have a spare key, if you don't open up We'll just have to come in" "fuck off! Your so fucking full of bullshit" he yells, that is where I cross the line.

My eyes glow golden as I walk back to my room to retrieve the key. Once I get in that room that kid is gonna get a spanking he's never gonna forget.

I come back with the key and begin to unlock the door except when we try to push the door open it doesn't move, Seb wouldn't be strong enough to keep it shut...but he would be strong enough to put the cabinet infront of the door. I grown in frustration.

"Seb if you don't move the cabinet your gonna be in alot of trouble" I say, silence. "Leave him, he has to come out eventualy" I tell them.

A couple hours go by, hes got alot of things to do in there but since he isn't acting so little I assume he wouldn't be interested in most of the toys.

It's beginning to get late, he hasn't eaten anything all day nor drank anything. Looking at my phone I notice it's 12 pm. "He's obviously not coming out, let's just go to bed" Hank suggests.

We all headed to our rooms, we knew Seb was still I'm his because there was no where for him to escape. An hour goes by before something wakes me up, there isn't any noise but my wolf keeps irritating me. I have an urge to go down stairs, I try to ignore the animal instic but my wolf is persist this time.

I get out not bothering to put my shirt on and just put joggers, I walk down the staires looking around still being able to see see the dark.

There's nothing down here, a small sound catches my attention. I look to my left to the front door to see a figure hunched over by the door, the sound of clicking tells me there trying to unlock the door. I angrily stride over to him, "what do you think your doing?" I say in a low tone.

He jumps swinging something sharp my way, I quickly catch the knife in my hand before it could get to my skin. I grab Seb by the back of his color "your trying to pick the lock with a knife" I tell him in anger, I throw the knife to the floor far from his reach You could seriously hurt yourself doing that.

What is going on with you?" I say, he fights against my grip on him "get off" he yells. I grab him by the arm and pull him along beside me towards the stairs, he fights the whole way until we are at at top of the stairs.

He almost slips on the last step but I have a tight grip on him, I pull him towards my room shutting it behind me. "Sit" I tell him in a low voice, he doesn't listen. "Sit down" I tell him in my Alpha voice. He sits on the edge of the bed, "tell me what's going on?" I ask firmly.

He shakes his head before rolling his eyes "why are you acting like this, we give you no reason to behave this way" I tell him athoratively "I want to go home" is all he says.

"We made a deal, that's that's how this works. If your feeling embarrssed about the way you've been acting recently, don't. We like that side to you" I tell, I can tell that's part of the problem. "I want to go home" he says looking down "Seb this is home, except it" without warning he kicks me in the shin making my leg bend a bit in pain.

I let out a low growl, I stand up straight before grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. I make him bend his knees so I'm able to reach and pull his jeans down. Usually I would just do jeans but with this level of disrespect I'm not giving him any mercy.

I take his boxers down aswell "what are you doing!" He yells, "unless you want Hank and Enzo to watch your punishment I suggest you shut up" I threaten him, I can tell he fears public humiliation.

I sit down and bend him over my knees. "Stop" he says a little more quietly. I give him his first smack on the but making him flinch, I start with light smacks and after about 4 I give harder ones, he yelps and whines "that's not going to have an affect on me like Enzo. You've been rude and disrespectful, you get a punishment if you want to act like that" I tell him as I give him 4 more hard smacks.

He went silent after the first couple hard smacks, all I can hear now is his small whimpers as he takes a few more hard smacks.

"Is there something you would like to say now?" I say, it's silent for a moment before before him mumble "sorry" followed by a few sniffles. I pull his boxers back up over his bum before turning him around so he's straddling my lap, I can see his body jump a bit at sitting down.

Maybe I went a little to hard on him for his first physical punishment but fuck it felt good to justify athoraty. I place my finger under his chin so he looks up at me, tears roll down his cheeks, his eyes slightly puffy from crying.

I can see he's fidgeting on my lap trying to find a comfortable position,I place my hands on his waist keeping him sitting in one position "it hurts.." he mumbles under a few sniffles "I know pup, but this is what happens when you don't behave yourself" he leans his head on my shoulder letting a few more silent crys out.

He has so much pent up emotion it seems to be coming out in small docess. I instinctively rest my hand on his bum only for him to instantly flinch followed by a whimper.

I pick him up and gently lay him do on my bed, heading into the bathroom to get some cream, I pull his boxers back down making him jolt "it's okay baby, I'm just adding some cream so it doesn't hurt as much" he seems to protest at first but once feels the cream he seems to quieten down.

I rub the cream in massaging his now incredibly red but, after im done i pull his boxers back up and place the cream on the counter side encase he needs it again.

I pull the covers back and lift Seb so he can get underneath them. Once I'm in I look to my side to see Seb is curled up in a ball with his back face me. I could see slight shades of pink creeping up his cheeks, hes never been punsihed let alonr ahndled like that.

Hes probably feeling all kinds of embarresment but it needed to be done. He may be my pup but im still Alpha, and god forbid if i ever let anyone behave like that towards me.

I see his shoulders rising up and down and his gentle breathing becomes less tense, I can tell hes drifting of to sleep.

He must be so exhausted after everything today, I carefully wrap an arm around his waist pulling him into my chest before closing my eyes.

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