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Enzos arms are wrapped around me tightly as I struggle to get out of them. I haven't slept that good in a long time, I've always liked how comfy Enzos bed is.

I manage to get out from under his arm without waking him, after finding my own room yesterday the xbox has been at the back of my mind.

They said I get more freedom now so they can't yell at me for enjoying my freedom. I head to my room managing to avoid all the squeaky floorboards. Once in my room I get change my clothes putting on some comfy jeans and a shirt, it'd a cold morning so I put on another hoodie.

I grab the controller and try to figure out how the TV and xbox work. After some time I manage to get it to work and begin to play GTA that the guys had got me. It surprised me they got this game since they never let me do anything adult like.

I drive around in a car, shoot a few people, rob a few placed and die a few time just before I hear someone clear there throat by the doorway.

"What do you think your doing?" Hanks voice echous through the room. I ignore him and continue playing the game, "don't ignore me" he says snatching the controller out of my hand.

"Hey!" I snap at him reaching for the controller but he stretches his arm out so I can't get it.

"It's 6 in the morning, too early for video games. You should be sleeping" he says putting the controller back and turning the xbox off. "I wasn't finished playing!" I snap at him, "keep using that tone with me and you won't get this for a week" he threatens, I shut up instantly.

I stand up about to leave except he stops me "clean your mess up first" he says, I look over at the clothes on the floor. "I thought this was my room, if I want it messy I'll leave it messy" i tell him. "It is you room, if you keep it tidy.

You don't keep it tidy and we take it away from you" he threatens again. I groan as I pick up the clothes and place them in the laundry basket Hank points to. He then walks out demanding I follow him, he walks back to Enzos room opening the door gesturing for me to go inside.

I see Enzo sleepily sit up catching his barings "everything okay?" He asks looking at the two of us "I found him on the xbox" Hank says, Enzo stays silent seeming more awake now.

He looks at his phone, "it is quite early to be playing games Seb" he says in a softer tone. "Come back to bed for a bit then We'll go for a run" he says,I comply feeling a little bit groggy. I lay in the bed relaxing my body, "that's it.

What happend to punishments" Hank says catching my attention. I look up at him, "stand outside, we need to talk" Enzo says firmly.

He hands me my wolfie before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt