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I stretch my muscles out letting out the best sigh I've had in ages,my bones click as all the tension in my body's dissolves.

Opening my eyes i enjoy the calm quietness as I look up at the ceiling, my body hasn't felt this relaxed in a long time. I'm ready to go back to my peaceful napping when i I over on my side and realise this isn't my room. Quickly sitting up i look around me, a huge window that leads out to a balcony with a view of the woods allows a beautiful light to come in past the curtains.

I look down at the covers of the bed, fluffy blankets. Enzos room? Wait how did i get here? I think for a second not being able to remember getting here. Those bastards drugged me! I groan in frustration, I can't believe this. I get out of bed pulling the covers back ready to storm towards the door for my escape except something yanks me back.

I look down to see a chain around my right arm that's connected to the bed.
I pull and pull at it not making any progress other than tearing the skin slightly on my wrist, an uncontrollable low growl escapes my lips. Rage fills me. I head footsteps coming down the hall before they stop outside the door. "Whats going on? Are you okay?" Enzo asks as he walks in with Colt and Hank behind him.

"No! You chained me to your fucking bed!" I snap at him as i pull harshly at the chain trying to get to him. "Okay calm down. We knew you would try to escape, if you calm down ill unchain you" Colt speaks up. "Bullshit" I yell at him. "You fucking drugged me and kidnapped me!! Why can touch just leave me the fuck alone!" My yells turned into low deep growls.

"Seb we are only doing what's best for you" Hank says. "Whats best for me?! Your fucking insane!" I yell at him. "Your not exactly sane either, you tried to burn us alive" he growls back. I let out a deep growl before turning and pulling at the chain, the wood on the bed very slowly plintered which was progress however my wrist was taking alot of damage.

"Seb your hurting yourself, that's enough!" Colt growls out. I continue pulling at the chain even harder till blood starts dripping from my wrist.

I feel a pair of hands on my arms keeping me still while another pair hold my wrists together. I try to pull away from them but I'm trapped, "Shhhhh" I hear someone whisper in my ear before a sharp pain gets me in my arm, I look to my side to see Colt holding an injection.

A small whimper escapes my now trembling lips as I know I haven't fun this fight "Shhhh your okay" Enzo hushes me as he holds me against him just as I start to feel my body lose consciousness.

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