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After so long of keeping an eye on him we finally decided to confront him knowing we had given him enough time to himself to clear his head. He was 19 after all, he needed to let out his pent up frustration and anger.

Obviously drinking and doing whatever he wanted with limited amount of freedom did good for him but after hearing him refuse to go back home with us so many times it made my skin cruel in fear of losing him. Watching as his bike speeds down the street I can't help but ball my hands into fists "Let him calm down for a bit, he'll come back eventualy" Enzo says before walking back inside.

Me and Hank head in after him walking back up to Sebs apartment. He had done well for himself considering being alone. Enzo cleaned up the mess Seb had left while I looked in the fridge grabbing three beers before throwing the rest out.

After looking through Sebs records again after the fire I had noticed a few signs of drunk arrest telling me he has had a drinking problem in the past, he thinks I'm trying to control him when I'm just trying to help him.

I hand Enzo and Hank a beer before keeping one for myself, Enzo finishes making Sebs bed while me and Hank clean up leftover mess in the living room. "Look what I found" Enzos voice echous in the living room, we both turn around to see him in the archway holding a gun in one hand a stuffed animal in the other.

I looked at the two objects confused, "found them in his bed" Enzo says looking down at them both. We both walk towards him, I take the gun out of Enzos hand admiring it. "Must still feel like he needs to protect himself" Enzo says looking down at it. "Why would he have this then?" Hank says holding the stuffed wolf Teddy.

I took it out of his hand looking at it, the feeling of a smooth silk rubs between my fingers. "He probably sleeps with it. Its actualy really cute" Enzo says. "You sure he doesn't just use it to fuck. He doesn't seem the type to sleep with a Teddy, he killed someone for fuck sake" Hank speaks up.

"He's still a pup. And the feeling of silk can be quite soothing, it might help him sleep at night" Enzo says. I wasn't saying anything, only imagining a cute image of Seb curled up in bed cuddling with the stuffed animal.

"I'm gonna keep this" I say putting the gun in my belt and covering it with my shirt. "I'll put this in the bag" Enzo says taking the stuffed animal and places it in the black duffle bag with the rest of Sebs clothes. After picking a few items that might be sentimental value for Seb and putting them in the bag it was around 2 am.

We all sat on the couch with a beer enjoying the relaxation as we talked. The sudden click of the door caught all of our attention, Seb limped through the door making my instincts kick in. Standing up I look at him examining hid leg from a distance, he looks are way with a disgusted look "your still fucking here. Can't you guys just fuck off already" he says limping slightly through the living room towards his room.

"You'll regret using that language towards us in the future. What did you do to your leg?" Hank says. Seb continues limping towards his room, "nothing" he mumbles. Examining the scrapes along his jacket and ripped holes near the knees of his jeans with blood staining the thread I would suggest he crashed his bike. Thankfully nothing serious but enough to slightly put his leg into shock.

I follow after him, standing in the door way to his room I see him sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands gripped tightly in his hair. My wolf whined seeing him like this. He lks upt me tha dull expressions "get out" is all he says before laying down on his bed, he stares at a particular spot on the wall beside me not moving his eyes from it.

I've never seen anything like this before, just seeing it breaks my heart. A particular moment with his fingers catches my Stenton, his finger I'd rubbing against his thumb as if feeling the smoothness of them is calming to him.

It reminds me of when I felt the softness of his silky stuffed animal, I can see him looking around on his bed before his eyes dart to me. I can tell hes too embaressed to ask where his stuffed animal is, he goes back to resting his head on his pillow and staring at the wall. I look over at the spot to see nothing there. "Seb.." I say his name in a gentle tone unsure of this new behaviour.

Walking out of the room and back into the living room both the guys are looking at me "come looking tell them before walking back into the room. All three of us stand by the doorway looking at Seb as he just stares at the wall. "I'll get him something to drink" Hank says walking out to the kitchen, Enzo sighs as he walks towards the bed before sitting on the edge of it.

He reached his hand out tucking a peice of hair behind Sebs ear that was infront of his eye, "what you thinking about?" He asks in a soft spork tone. Seb doesn't reply ehich isn't surprising, hes had moments like this in the past where things got too much for him so he shut down except this one worrys me more. He's been alone for a year, he killed a guy which must be constantly eating away at him, we are pretty much the only people that care about him and he's pushing us away.

"Honey, can you talk to us please" Enzo asks gently as he strokes up and down Sebs arm. It's silent for a minute, "when are you leaving?" He mumbles. Me and Enzo exchange sad looks, not the response we wanted but atleast he was responding. I decided to switch up tactics and instead of arguing I kneeled down infront of him and confronted him about his question.

"Do you want us to leave?" He seemed surprise by my new tactic. He doesn't reply and turns over so he's facing the wall with his back to us. Me and Enzo exchange a smile knowing a part of him does  want us but the stubborn part of him won't allow him to admit it.

Enzo reaches his hand out on his back rubbing in circles, Seb always loved it when we did this. "Here, I got some warm milk" Hank says handing me a mug. Warm milk is like magic to send someone to sleep, "Seb, are you thirsty?" I ask, no response. "Honey, We'll leave once you drink this" Enzo says catching my attention, he gives me a look as if he's got something up his sleeve.

Seb turns around slowly wincing from the pain in his knee, Enzo helps him sit up as I hand him the mug. He drinks slowly before shoving it to me, he lays back down facing the wall again "leave" he mumbles. We all leave the room except we don't leave his apartment.

"I put some herbs in his milk, they should be having having effect on him soon" Hank says sitting on the couch. "Do they give after effects?" I ask.

He shakes his head "no there harmless, he'll actualy feel well rested when he wakes up" he replys. "Dout he'll appreciate it though" I say taking another swig of my beer.

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