Doctor Sam

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Watching Seb as he drifts of for a nap I can't help but think over the few things that had just happend.

He doesn't seem himself and its painful to watch, "I think we should take him to get another check up" I whisper to them, "he's fine, he was just having a moment" Enzo says "and when has he ever had a moment like that?" I give him a questioning look and he backs down.

"I agree with Colt, maybe he's acting out cause he's in pain" Hank agree with me. There wasn't much said on it before the evening came round, I made the appointment as soon as possible.

Sebs been asleep this whole time, i rub along his back waking him up gently "Hey, we're going on a little trip" his tired eyes show a bit of excitement before they go dull again, not making any movement to get out of bed I pick him up and pull him to the edge of the bed.

Giving him some clothes I leave him to get changed, I made an appointment with the best doctor who's also a wolf blood.

We hadn't done that at first when he had the stomach pains because we didn't really care that much for him back then but now it's important we make sure he isn't in any pain.

Seb tiredly walks downstaires wearing some black jeans and a hoodie, Doc told us it would be easier to see what's wrong if he doesn't eat.

We get in the car, Hank drives while I say in the back with Enzo and Seb. Seb happily fell asleep again leaning against Enzo. It was atleast 40 minutes away but it didn't feel that long to get there.

"Hey nice to see you guys again, and congrats on finding a mate" Sam says once we enter his office "who would have thought you guys would bond with a pup, huh" his reaction is quite regular.

"Yh we thought the same, but we're a little worried about him right now" Enzo says, "ah yes of course, where is he? I'll take a look at him" we had made Seb wait in the car with Hank, his last experience with doctors hasn't gone well so we are trying our best to be discrete.

"He's not great with Doctors so we haven't told him why we are here, he's in the car with Hank" Sam seems to completely understand "that's okay, alot of pups don't like doctors" Sam is very understanding which is good.

'Hank, you can bring him in now' I mindlink him. Hank walks in with Seb who's playing games on his phone, "Hey Hank" "nice to see you Sam" there greeting didn't even make him flinch, is he even Aware of his seroundings right now?

"Seb.." Hank nudges Seb so he's aware of the people in the room? "This is Sam" Hank introduces "hi" Seb responds before going back to his phone irritating me slightly.

"I'll take that" I say grabbing his phone and placing it into my pocket "Hey!" Instantly his voice snaps at me and I can already see his canines showing,this doesn't usualy happen.

I make eye contact with Sam as if showing him what I was talking about over the phone, Sam nods his head.

"Hey Seb, those are some canines you got yourself there. Your only 19 correct?" Seb cautiously nods his head at the man infront of him "wow, most pups still struggle to retract there canines".

We did find it weird how he could do it at a young age but he needed to protect himself from Lincoln.

His wolf has actualy been repressed for a lot longer than what wolf bloods should, he started shifting at 18 most pups shift at 15.

"If you'd like to follow me we can go into the other room, it's warmer in there" We head in to his other room, a few things gave it away that he was a doctor but Seb didn't seem to have notice.

"If you could just sit up here, that would be great" as soon as Seb sees the table he looks around noticing other things, he knows.

He shakes his head slowly heading towards the door which I quickly have to block, "it's just going to take a couple minutes, he's not going to use any needles" I tell him, he still seems unsure.

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