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The next morning I wake up feeling a little bit sore, I can't believe Colt did that. It was so humiliating and my plan to escape was completely ruined.

I woke up before Colt and decided to head down stares for some water, as I sip my water enjoying the peice of finally being alone something catches my attention in the window.

I look through it that leads to a beautiful view of the woods right outside the house, something seems to be moving in the distance.

The more I look the more it starts to look like a figure hiding behind a tree, it's eyes golden staring right at me. A familiar feeling spreads through me but I can't put my finger on it.

"Hey, what you looking at?" I voice startles me, the glass falls out of my hand and smashes on the floor straining my ears. It leaves a slight ringing in my ears, "careful" Hank says coming towards me.

He leans down to pick up the glass peices "it's fine I can do it" I tell him roughly, he surprisingly doesn't argue except he just stares at me a little confused.

I begin picking up the peices of glass "Seb careful, you'll cut yourself" he says kneeling infront of me to pick up the last few peices, "I said I got it" I snapped.

He gave me a disapproving look but I chose to ignore it, once picking up the glass peices and standing up I go back to looking at the window except the figure isn't there anymore.

I groan in frustration. "Whats going on?" Enzo says walking in with Colt not far behind, I only now realise that there all shirtless.

Why?! "Seb dropped his glass, he seems a little grumpy today" Hank says, I give him a death staring glare which he seems unbothered by.

Again I look over at the window feeling like someone's watching me "are you still grumpy?" Enzo says walking up to me, he goes to put his hand on my shoulder but I move away taking him by surprise.

He let's out a irritated sigh before going to make some coffee, Again my eyes are on the window.

Was there actualy somewhere out there, did I imagine it. "Do you want to go outside? Or you just checking yourself out in the reflection" Hank teases but I only eye roll him unamused.

"Is this because of last night? I thought I made it very clear why I did that" Colt says sipping his coffee, "did what?" Enzo asks with his mug in his hand. "Colt hit me" I say leaving out the details on proposed.

Instantly four glowing golden eyes are on Colt "you did what?!" Hank snaps at Colt, Colt let's out a low growl that's clearly aimed at me "I spanked him.

He knows exactly what he's doing" he says death staring me down. I shrug it off "same thing" i mumble. "Seb spanking and hitting aren't the same thing.

We would never hit you but we would spank you if you were naughty which i think we can all agree that you were yesterday" Enzo says, I roll my eyes.

"I would have thought you'd learn your lesson from it but if that doesn't put you in your place there's alot of other ways we can do it" Hanks tone made my mind swirl with a storm of thoughts about what other punishments they had, i don't want to find out.

Suddenly May walks in with Casper not far behind her as he trots in, "morning Alphas, Seb" May was always sweet to me but today I didn't feel like putting on a smile for her.

"Good morning May" they all respond back. As she prepares Caspers food he goes around the room greeting the Alphas before trotting over to me, I let out a sigh of releife when Hank holds him by the color before he could get to me "not today boy" he says ushering him to go in the other direction.

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