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My eyes sting as I open them once again. I'm in a different room this time, the scent of that Alpha fills the room. This must be his room.

Anger fills me as I just want to go home, why can't these people leave me the fuck alone. Looking at his bed I begin clawing at it letting my anger out, fucking idiot shouldn't have let me in here.

I begin ripping up his duvet, pillows and clawing a hole into his mattress. There's feathers and fluff everywhere, I'm coverd in it.

My teeth suddenly ache,I shouldn't have done so much chewing. My canines are so sore, I pant feeling the heat again.

I need something to naw on to distract the pain, I jump from the bed and begin nawing on a wooden cabinet leg by the bed.

The feeling is helping my canines. Suddenly footsteps from the other side of the door catch my attention, the door handle slowly opens revealing a tall, quite good looking man.

His jawline was sharp and sharpen as his jaw tensed from seeing the veiw of his room. His muscular build tenses in anger, I runs a veins hand through his dark blonde hair letting out a sigh of frustration.

"I guess this is partly my fault for putting you in here" he says in a deep voice. I look at him with a confused look. "This does not mean your of the hook" he says strictly.

"Sit" he says in an Alpha tone, I instantly sit. He walks towards me reaching his hand out, I'm waiting for him to hit me except he pulls a peice of fluff of from my face.

He looks at the table leg before looking at me again, I pin my ears down in fear. I flinch as I feel his hand on my mouth parting my lips.

"Teething, huh" he says, he walks towards the draws on the other side and pulls out a box. He pulls something out, it looks like a rubber see-through purple colord dog bone.

I look at him with a judged look, he thinks I'm a fucking dog. "Don't give me that look, this will help with the sorness" how does he know. He places the toy infront of me, I lean down slowly biting it.

Wow that does feel good, I chew it some more allowing it to cool down my canines.

I lay down really chewing into it. I hear the door close catching my attention, I see him sifting through some draws before pulling some clothes out.

"When your ready here's some clothes for when you shift back"? He says placing them on the bed,why is he being so nice? He sits on the edge of the bed on his phone completely unbothered by my presence.

I hear the faint sound of footsteps coming down the hallway, if they come in here it'll give me a chance to run again.

As soon as the door opens I quickly head towards it "Alpha" a women's voice says just before she sees me coming, "Caroline, shut the door" I hear his voice say but I've already slipped past her legs.

I head downstairs again seeing the door is still shut, I head to the window which I had smashed before but there are people over there serounding it.

I quickly take another turn into a different room, there's some little kids playing on the floor.

Once they see me some of them run of to there parents except one, "pretty wolf" one says trying to walk towards me, I've never been a kids fan but this one didn't seem so bad.

While he's trying to walk towards me he trips heading straight for the ground, I quickly put my muzzle against his chest to help him stand straight again.

He puts his hand along the side of my stomach feeling my fur "so soft" he says in awe making me chuckle.

Suddenly a voice startles me making me quickly turn to see one of the ids parents, "Sam get away from that rouge" she yells, my startled movement makes the kid lose his balance and falls floor on his bum crying.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now