Chapter 34 - Double Trouble in Feelings

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Piper's POV

Piper's brain was completely fried.

She'd been sat in the dining room of the American Idiot for what felt like an eternity.

She, along with Percy and Calypso had been called there by Thalia and Reyna to discuss the trip to Kronos' base and how they planned on sailing there.

Unlike the others, Piper could not bring herself to concentrate on the conversation and had zoned out almost immediately, mainly due to the fact that she had no clue why she was involved in the discussion in the first place.

Percy made sense, for obvious reasons, and Calypso knew her way around a ship better than almost anyone, due to having repaired so many that washed up on her island, as well as the fact that she had immense knowledge of the seas and weather.

While she could fight well, knew her way around the ship and cared for the others, Piper lacked expertise when it came to plotting a course through the ocean.

And thus, her mind went wandering anywhere and everywhere, though it often landed and lingered on Jason.

She quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind, knowing that it would result in her blushing and revealing her lack of concentration to the others.

Piper wished Annabeth had come too, because she would have at least kept her interested in the conversation, but alas, she'd been on lookout for the six hours prior to the meeting being called, so the captains had sent her to their shared room to rest.

She's probably going to be asleep by the time I get back. Piper groaned internally. She was hopelessly bored and needed some company.

"Piper, you've been quiet so far, what do you think?" Reyna's question ripped Piper from her thoughts and embarrassment shot through her nerves.

"I- uhmmmm." Piper tried to sound deep in thought. "I'm fine with it. Don't think there's anything I disagree with."

She could sense Percy smirk next to her, and quietly kicked his shin under the table.

"Great." Thalia smiled, though Piper didn't miss the wink she received from her. "Then we're done here."

Relief washed over Piper as she jumped to her feet the moment the words left Thalia's mouth.

"I'd ask how much of that you actually listened to, but I think we both know you didn't listen to a single word." Percy chuckled, punching her shoulder lightly as they left and walked back onto the deck.

"Hey! That's not true. I only stopped listening after Reyna said 'Good, we're all here, let's start'" Piper responded with a punch of her own.

"Only the important bits then, huh?" Percy slung an arm around Piper's shoulder as they stopped by the side of the ship and looked out to the now pitch black ocean, illuminated by the moonlight and the stars.

"This would be really romantic if we weren't totally and hopelessly into each other's roommates." Piper noted with a chuckle, drawing a loud laugh from Percy.

Annabeth and Jason had unfortunately switched rooms again, but it was for the better, as Reyna knew that Percy and Annabeth would most likely not get any sleep trying to plan different strategies for the assault, something which would be useless, given the fact that they had no clue what exactly the base they were attacking looked like.

"Yep, speaking of which, I wanted to ask you something about that." 

"Well that's never good." Piper chuckled. 

"Shut up."

"How will I give you my priceless advice then?"

"You're insufferable."

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