Chapter 15 : Well this is ✨awkward✨

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Annabeth's POV

If it weren't for the steely glare Percy's father was giving her, Annabeth may have had the time to admire her wonderful surroundings and take in the stunning architecture of the throne room.

Heightened intelligence or not, Annabeth easily noticed that Percy's father was not fond of her at all, which stung slightly, not only because she liked Percy so much, but also because his father looked so much like him.

She tried her best not to meet the King's eyes, rather looking around the room, noticing that there were five thrones, only one of which was now empty, as Eliana had taken a seat next to her father.

Soon though, Percy and his father started talking, and perhaps it was the fact she was so drawn to Percy's voice, but she couldn't focus on anything other than that conversation. Another factor may have been the fact that the room was deathly silent, like a graveyard at night.

"I am surprised that you have made new friends and allowed them to join your crew, son." Poseidon spoke loudly, his voice echoing through the massive room.

"Why? Didn't think I was capable of befriending people anymore?" Percy fired back.

Annabeth wasn't quite sure why, but she could sense that Percy was not too happy with his father about something, and she had a sneaking suspicion that that something was her.

"Percy, please, you know I'm fine with you making friends but-" The King began but stopped as Percy rose to his feet.

"Say it." Percy dared the King. "Say it." He repeated, his voice shaking slightly.

Annabeth saw the entire Royal Family shift uncomfortably in their seats, as if they'd experienced something like this before.

"Say what, my boy?" Poseidon asked cautiously, as if he were carefully defusing a bomb.

In this case, that bomb's name was Percy Jackson, who had now visibly clenched his fists so hard his knuckles were the whitest thing Annabeth had ever seen.

"You don't approve of my friendship with Annabeth, the same way Athena never approved of my friendship with Malcolm." Percy replied, his voice now dangerously calm.

"I don't see why I should approve of it." Poseidon replied.

"Oh fuck off." Percy growled.

Dust began to fall from the ceiling as the ground started shaking and rumbling

"Oh you done fucked up now." Annabeth heard the Queen Mutter to Poseidon.

Annabeth looked up to see a look of pure and unfiltered fear on the King's face. Fear of his own son.

"Son, please calm down before you bring this building down on us." The King was practically begging his son.

Annabeth glanced to Percy and saw that his eyes were closed, but she could sense the anger coursing through him.

She began to move towards him in an attempt to calm him, but was held back by Piper. "Don't. Not yet. He needs to get this out of his system." She warned and Annabeth complied to her grip.

"Calm down? I need to calm down?" Percy sounded genuinely surprised through his rage. "You're the one who's holding on to a childish spat with a dead woman!" Percy turned back to Annabeth and gave her a look of pure guilt and regret. "One who, might I remind you, SAVED MY FUCKING LIFE AND DIED BECAUSE OF IT! DON'T FUCKING JUDGE MY FRIENDSHIP WITH ANNABETH ON WHO ATHENA WAS, BECAUSE IT'S MY FUCKING FAULT SHE'S DEAD!"

Annabeth had no idea what she was doing, but she had no interest in following in her mother's footsteps anymore, not when it came to being a redcoat, nor when it came to being dead, so she moved towards Percy again and grabbed his hand.

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