this is me trying

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"How has your week been?" Kim Mari, Taehyung's formidable mother asked, before taking a slow sip of her tea.

It was their weekly rendezvous at his office. Taehyung was standing at the mini bar, looking out at the bustling city of Seoul that lay beyond the floor-to-ceiling office windows. The panoramic view included the Han winding through the city. When things became overwhelming this view reminded him that he was a very small cog in a very small machine. He was insignificant. That made things bearable.

This rendezvous with his mother was a weekly tradition, that she insisted upon when Taehyung had moved out, cut ties with the family, and set out on his own business venture.

Despite cutting ties with the family, there were still family traditions and norms Taehyung was expected to respect. And he did. He had very little interest in contributing to the further staining of his grandfather's legacy. His father had done enough damage for both of them.

Taehyung shrugged in response to her question, pouring himself some whiskey, inwardly bracing himself for the nastiness that would follow.

Outwardly, he showed none of the detest for yucky-tasting alcohol.

He wore a mask in front of everyone, even his mother. Especially his mother.

"Same old, same old." He began, "Although today was a bit different..." He paused, savoring the moment before dropping the bombshell. "I did get engaged earlier this morning, that was pretty notable, I guess."

Taehyung ignored the uncharacteristic sputtering from his usually unshakeable dignified mother, as she choked on her oolong.

He continued without pausing, "A lovely omega, Park Jimin, presumed heir to Nature Kart, the company grandfather tried to acquire incessantly back in the 90s. I think that grandfather would like Jimin. I sure do."

Armed with his glass of whiskey, he took a seat in front of his mother. The length of a coffee table separating them.

Taehyung did not flinch at the absolute death glare he received when their eyes met. He had been on the other side of that look too many times in his life. He was now immune.

"Jokes are supposed to make both parties laugh, Taehyung."

"And yet, none of us are." Taehyung replied calmly, "Because I'm not joking, mother."

The look Kim Mari gave her son may have killed a lesser man.

"What were you thinking ?" Her voice was deceptively calm. But Taehyung's well-tuned ears heard how livid she was.

He paused, taking every nanosecond the moment offered, before replying, "I know that there is nothing more you want in this world than to regain your rightful place in the Kim dynasty. I know that I haven't aided you in that dream, and by stepping away from the business caused an even further chasm between you and that seat that was once yours but mother.." he paused, and for once in his life, the glass of whiskey actually looked appetizing.

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