begin again

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It was a hazy blur that covered his eyes as they opened. Jimin blinked a couple of times, before blindly reaching for his glasses by his bedside. He blinked some more, and the familiar slanted wooden beams that held up the sloping tiled roof came into focus.

This wasn't his bedroom. Or rather, it hadn't been his bedroom for a long time.

He sat up with a bit of a start, and looked around his old room, getting more perplexed by the second. What was he doing here? He had just woken up from a seriously vivid, absolutely bizarre dream about his husband and his sister. Which definitely meant no more kdrama binges before bedtime.

He hadn't slept at his house since he moved out after he got married. Heck, he had barely even visited. So what on earth was he doing back here, and why was his head pounding? He didn't drink to have a hangover.

Extremely disoriented, he reached for his phone to text his husband to let him know where he was. The poor guy must be worried sick. He shook off the repulsed feeling when he thought of Jaehyun.

"Stop it" he scolded himself, "It was just a shitty dream. He is not in love with your sister for heaven's sake, and he certainly wasn't confessing to her on your first anniversary, in the middle of the street."

... In the middle of the street. He had died in the middle of the street, hadn't he?

He shivered again, as the clear image of his sister flashed before his eyes, before Jaehyun covered her eyes. He wasn't even looking at Jimin. Brr.

He looked down at the phone he grabbed and his confusion dialed up to the next degree. This was his old phone. Where was his current one? The one Jaehyun had bought him? He shouldn't even have this phone in his hands, Jaehyun had accidentally broken it a little after they were married.

He unlocked the phone, huffing at its cracked glass, and opened up KakaoTalk to text his husband.

Curiouser and curiouser , his profile picture, was from a year ago too.

Jimin dragged down the taskbar and there shining on the top left-hand corner of the screen was the date. 15th January 2022. What the frick-frack-snick-snack?

He was 14 months in the past? What kind of bizzaro dream was this?

Jimin let out a slow breath, trying to calm his heart, which had gone from thudding to straight-up galloping. His ears started to ring. This couldn't be a dream. He couldn't remember a dream feeling like this, ever.

Jimin gave himself a hard pinch for good measure and winced. No... he was definitely awake, and alive and he was in the past? Was this a joke?

Had it all been a dream? No way, how could anyone dream a whole year of being married? That was impossible.

For just one small second, Jimin entertained the thought that maybe he had died, maybe he had come back to 14 months in the past instead of going to heaven, or even hell. He looked around the childhood bedroom, it had been filled with so much pain, this was certainly not heaven. Almost definitely hell.

Was this the afterlife, or some sick joke?

The last few minutes of his life as he knew it played back in his head. He saw it all so clearly. The Tiffany box in the passenger seat, the declarations of love, the fact that his marriage had been orchestrated by his stepsister, oh he was going to throw up.

And he did.

After, Jimin did feel better. A little shaky, but definitely better, and definitely awake. This was most certainly not a dream. But his year with Jaehyun couldn't have been one either. There was just no way.

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