eyes open

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Jimin sighed as he took in the reflection that stared back at him.

He slowly pulled the bandage off his cheek, wincing as he did. His cheek was slightly swollen from his stepmother's assault, but despite her ring cutting the skin yesterday, the damage didn't seem too bad. Nothing some concealer wouldn't fix.

Jimin puffed out his cheeks, wishing not for the first time that he could be angry.

But he was just really tired.

And he really, really, really wanted a nap.

But he had 424 days. 424.

He would have plenty of time to nap once he was dead.

Dang, that was bleak.

Should he go to therapy?

But what would he tell his therapist? "Hey, so I walked in on my husband confessing to my sister on the first anniversary of our marriage and then I walked in front of an SUV but instead of dying like a normal person I woke fourteen months in the past and I'm salty because I'm in the past and I didn't pay attention to stocks or lottery numbers that I can use to my advantage and now here I am sitting in your office telling you this is why I am sad."

He could do that.

But then he'd earn himself a one-way ticket to the nearest asylum, where he'd spend the next 424 days watching the nightmare digital clock on his wrist run down to his death. Fun.

Also, no thank you.

Therapy would be great. But he couldn't risk it.

He got ready for the day and left.

Thankfully, it was too early for anyone to be milling about the house except for the staff. So he didn't have to sneak out.

When he opened his front door and stepped out into the sunshine, he realized he had been hasty in his thanksgiving.

What greeted him was yet another irate desperate mother. While yesterday it had been his stepmother, today it was his former mother-in-law, Jaehyun's mother.

Per Jimin's warped memory, the day before yesterday would have been the day he died. He had spent the last morning of his life scrubbing this woman's grimy ass dishes listening to her nag him about buying her a new car, and how his sister Yoona would have made a much better bride for Jaehyun.

Well, great, there was something they agreed on then.

Next to the unpleasant woman stood her sullen daughter, Jaehee, sloppily chewing a piece of gum with her mouth open. Ew.

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