Chapter 69: Collision and a Coma

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I step into the house, locking the door behind me. The silence greets me but unlike before, it's not welcoming. It's unsettling.

“Mkhulu, are you here?”

I walk further into the house, my steps echoing, longing to see Mkhulu, even if he's fast asleep in his room. Watching Timmy reunite with his mother really stirred up something within me.

The television is still off, the house is still. Everything is as I've left it before. It's weird, having these thoughts that tell me that the stillness of the house is eerie. It's not like the furniture ever moved or shifted or even talked but there's an  absence of someone and somehow it's sucked out the, home in house.

I head down the hallway, my steps more urgent.

When I push open Mkhulu's door, the sight before me is something that leaves my throat clogged. My stomach twists.

The bed is neatly made, untouched with not a trace of a wrinkle. The bedstand has a lamp, books and the bible Mkhulu reads before bed.

Everything is the way Mkhulu left it last night, before we went to Food and Karaoke.

I check my watch, the time reads  18:23.

Mkhulu's supposed to be here.

He's supposed to be yelling at me for coming home twenty three minutes later than I should have, telling me that my friends won't disappear if I decide to come home early.

I leave Mkhulu's room, heading for the dining room as I pull out my phone. I hit play, and the voice recording plays aloud in the silence of the house.

I'll be home a little later than expected but don't worry,” he’s cuts off, his laughter echoing out, the familiar gruff sound. Someone  speaks to him, he answers back, then “ —I'm okay. I'll come.”

The voice message soothes my troubled spirit a little. I stare at the time, it reads 18: 28.

I'm okay. I'll come.” I hit replay at that last part again and  again.

Until it's all that I hear even with my phone off. “He's coming.” I tell myself, and then I'm praying prayers to God, hoping, believing, waiting.

This isn't home without him.

I take back what I said, I hate being home alone.


6 December 2023


It's dark.
A piercing, loud ringtone jolts me awake. I'm delirious, trying to get my bearings while pulling out my phone so I can stop the noise.

It's an unknown number.

I pick up on the third ring. The line is silent, a creeping feeling settles over me.


There's suddenly a wave of noise, rushing into my ears. Numerous voices talking at once, fading in and out. Patient. Emergency. Take him—Get me the— She'll be ok—prepare...funeral. — the bill.

There's Crashing, shoving and movement. A door is shut. The whipping sound of rushing air.

“Hello? Who is this?” My tongue is dry, I'm on my feet, standing at attention.

“Leonardo.” The familiar voice speaks, thick with emotion. A deep sigh, tears out of his chest.

Words escape me.

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