Chapter 4

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In the morning, I woke up to an empty bed.

I groaned at the bright light streaming in through the large window and turned over to get my bearings.

Looking around, I spot a note on the side table, and I pick it up, reading the beautiful, flowing script.

"I had to attend a meeting. Stay as long as you want. Talk soon. - Rene."

I set the note down and stretched, feeling the ache in my muscles.

It was a good ache.

Smiling, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom.

I can't imagine my first time being so hot and indescribable.

Staring in the mirror, the marks and hickeys that littered my body were almost overwhelming. I had to look away before I had a big problem.

After using the toilet and deciding to take a quick shower, I brush my teeth with the extra toothbrush on the counter.

I dressed in pants and held my torn shirt in my hand as I made my way to the front door.

Opening the door, I spotted the same driver from yesterday standing near the SUV.

I walked over to him to ask if he knew where the nearest subway was over here. I have never been to this area before, and I have to get to the shop to open it.

Him not being very surprised about my attire, he nodded, as if he knew what I needed.

He went to the trunk of the SUV and tossed me a black t-shirt.

I thanked him and quickly put it on, feeling a bit more presentable.

It was a perfect fit.

I didn't think it could be his since his build was one more buff and larger than mine.

But I didn't have time to continue to ponder since he gave me the directions to the subway station, and I left.

The walk wasn't too far, and I got on the train, heading to my stop.

As the movements and chatter of nearby patrons rang through, it was like white noise, however, as I was too occupied with the thoughts of the greatest night I ever had in my life.

It was truly the best experience, and I was still amazed that she enjoyed herself as much as she did.

René was everything I never knew I needed, and her confidence and sex appeal were things of legend.

I patted my pocket where her note lied and smiled.

Hopefully, we will talk soon.

The train ride seemed to go by faster than I anticipated. Before I knew it, I was stepping off the train and walking towards my shop.

As I unlocked the door, I couldn't help but think about everything that had happened the night before and the adventures that awaited us.

I was so eager to see Rene again and to continue our journey together.

My mind was filled with her sweet smile and the way her body responded to my touch.

But for now, I had to focus on the tasks at hand and open my shop for the day.

With a newfound energy, I got to work, making sure everything was perfect for my customers.

As the day went on, I couldn't help but notice something different about myself.

I felt confident, alive, and invigorated. Rene had given me a gift I didn't know I needed, and I was grateful for the experience we shared.

She was great, amazing.

I can't stop thinking about her.

In the midst of my thoughts, I go back to her little strip tease, and I can't believe how sexy she is.

I can't stop thinking about her lips around my cock, the way she took me so deep, and how her pussy felt so tight and wet.

Just the thought of her was making me hard.

I groan softly and look around the near empty store.

Closing time was approaching, and I hadn't heard from her all day.

I recognized we didn't have each other's phone numbers, and I sighed.

"How will I talk to her then?" I ask myself, unsure.

The only thing I knew was the fact that I couldn't wait to see her again.

The time flew by, and before I knew it, it was time to close up the shop.

I was exhausted and decided to get home as quickly as possible.

As I walked, my thoughts went to her and the night we shared.

It was amazing, and I couldn't believe it had happened.

Her home was truly amazing as well. What would such a successful, gorgeous woman want with an inexperienced, lanky boy?

I shook my head and tried to focus on the positive.

She wanted me.

That's all that matters.

But why hasn't she come by today?

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