Chapter 1

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"Fred, I told you a million times, dating apps are scams and I will not get a profile if it's the last thing I do!" I groaned to my best friend since middle school.

We are at the Tunes and Music store my Uncle Reed owns in the shopping mall near the airport.

I happened to live not too far from here so working her to pay for my college fees wasn't a bad idea since he decided to go on a vacation to Indonesia for a year!
My Uncle being in his 30s should really settle down.
That's what my mom tells him but he's living life and I only imagine to do the same.

I had offered to take him up on being his right hand man and looking after the shop. I mean this is my entire life, music is a form of feelings with a melody.

I couldn't imagine doing anything else, my major literally says it all, I'm going for my bachelors in business management to own my own music studios, make a franchise but one I'm actually involved in.

It was actually a nice store, one story with a wide layout of rows of antique records, CDs, cassette, 8 tracks, and walls with signed posters from Bon Jovi to Earth, Wind, and Fire.

"Man, I don't see why you won't do it. What's holding you back? I met this chick, long legs, big bust named Candance and she had me hanging on by a thread if you know what I mean." He wiggled his bushy brows at me making me laugh at his ridiculousness.

Fred has always been the flirt between the two of us, I mean even though we shared the looks of brown hair, the height of a NBA star and slim frames.
He was my best friend ,nonetheless, all throughout middle and high school we stuck by each other through our first car, first dates well his dates.
I was never good with the girls so the idea of dating sounded like a nightmare now, I've gotten this far without a companion so what's different now.

"Well, good for you" I chuckle, hearing the chime of the entrance and brought my eyes to the door.

Leaning up from the counter, I open my mouth to greet the customer, "Welcome to Tunes and Music, how can I help you?" My eyes immediately went to one of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in all my life.

She was tall with the help of the heels she sported. With a slender build, showcasing her cream skin, round face with oval shaped eyes and shoulder length dark black curly hair.
A pair of diamond earrings hung from the earlobes. A gray top with buttons covering her shoulders and high waisted skirt. The soft caramel color contrasted beautifully with her striking brown eyes, giving her a very enchanting appearance.

I didn't realize I was staring until Henry cleared his throat.

This woman was breathtaking.

"Come, show me around." she ordered, her voice smooth and sharp.

Dumbfounded, she left no room for questions.

The store was not that big but knowing that music is simple yet complex when it comes to making selections, I complied.

Shooting a quick, watch the counter, look to Henry, knowing he was going to be here until closing.

He winked and I hit him on the shoulder as I rounded the counter and followed the misses.

Clearing my throat, as I approached her at the CDs section, where she stood, her shoulder back, and her head held high. She oozed confidence and intensity if that makes any sense.

"So-so, what are you looking for?" I asked shakily, truing to calm my nerves.

There wasn't a doubt that her presense cause me to be a bit uneasy.

She looked towards me and we were at eye level, I want to blame the heels but I kind of like it, her height paired well with her as a whole.

"What would you recommend?" she asks, her voice a gravelly texture and silkiness.

Showing genuine interest and curious.

Clearing my throat, I ran my fingers over the cd racks, "Depending on your type of vibe, slow and blues personally, best on record, car, or house system best with CDs, cassette and 8-tracks. It really depends as well. The music I mostly listen to is all over the board but lately it's been jazz, electronic, and pop where I opt for CDs" I stop as I realize I was rambling.

She tilted her head and peered at me, "I want R&B and Jazz." she demands slowly walking away, I couldn't help but drag my eyes along her body, I swear it seemed my mind went blank.

Trying to find something to say, my cheeks heating slightly at her hypnotizing walk, but I did come out with some information about the styles of music she preferred.

I grabbed a few CDs in the best condition and brought them to the counter, where she stood checking her watch.

I pushed past Fred and rounded the counter holding the CDs I picked out.

Without a glance at them, she reached for her wallet, pulled out a hundred and grabbed the CDs from my hand, her hands brushed slightly as she gave me the money. I felt the warmth spread through my body.

"Keep the change," she said, her voice low and smooth as she turned to leave.

I watched her go, feeling a strange pull in my chest. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her, even though I had just met her.

There was something about her that had captured my attention, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever see her again. Something tells me I will and even that time, won't be the last.

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