An accident!

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They both get dressed and head to the restaurant. They are driving and listening to music. Everything is fine until they get hit by a truck. It slams into the end of Elijah's truck. It causes the truck to slide and slam into a poll. The airbags come out and they hit both of the boys in the face. Elijah is shocked but he comes back to reality real quick.

He unbuckles and checks on Asher. Asher is out of it. He is responding to talk and touch but he is going in and our of consciousness. His nose is bleeding, and his face is already bruising from the airbag. Elijah feels his door being opened. It is a cop. He is trying to explain they will be fine, and the paramedics are on the way. The other cop rushes over to Asher and is checking on him.

Elijah is trying to move and the officer is trying to keep him still. The paramedics get there and they check out Asher first. They are finally able to get him awake, and they are talking to him. Asher is crying and he wants Elijah. Elijah is finally able to walk over to him and Asher tries to raise up and hug him. He lets out a yell. His side is really hurting. The paramedics are able to get an iv started and they give him pain medicine. 

Elijah is trying to push his way through, and he is bleeding. A piece of glass is stuck in his arm, and he will need stitches. The paramedics are trying to usher him to the second ambulance and Elijah is not having it. He finally makes his way over to Asher and Asher leaps off the gurney and hugs Elijah. Asher is crying and Elijah is doing his best to calm him down. They let Elijah sit next to Asher and they take off to the hospital. 

Elijah's phone is ringing again. They have life three sixty and it notified Lucas and Luke that Elijah had been in a car accident. They are trying their best to get in touch with Elijah. Asher left his phone in the truck. They will have to come back and find it later. They have finally gotten an iv started for Elijah and he gets pain medicine as well. They arrive at the hospital, and they have a room with two beds in it ready to go. 

As they are being led in through the hospital er Samuel sees them. He hands his patients off to a secondary doctor and he takes Elijah and Asher. He gets them to the room, and he makes them both lay down. He helps both of them undress and put gowns on. He looks Asher over first and Asher is ok. He has a concussion and a bruised face, nose, and ribs. He looks at Elijah next and the cut is pretty bad. They put him to sleep, and they take the glass out and stitch it up. He also has a fractured wrist. Samuel wraps it up and he grabs his phone.  

He gave Asher and Elijah medicine to make them sleep and he knows Lucas and Luke must be worried. He picks his phone up and calls Lucas. This conversation will be between Samuel(S) and Lucas(L). 

(L) Hello?

(S) This is Dr. Samuel, is this Lucas?

(L) It is, are Elijah and Asher, ok?

(S) They are both fine. They are sleeping right now. They need a pair of clothes to change into. We had to cut Elijah's shirt off, he was so worried about Asher he was not paying attention. Asher's shirt has blood all over it. 

(L) Why, is he ok?

(S) A driver ran through a red light and slammed into them. They are both going to be ok. Asher has a concussion, a bruised face, a bruised nose, and some ribs that are bruised. Elijah had a pretty deep cut. I was able to stitch it up and wrap it. He also has a fractured wrist. I went ahead and wrapped that. I would cast it but he would cut it off. He is going to have to take it easy for the next two days. 

(L) When can I come and see them?

(S) You can come and see them now. 

(L) Ok, Luke and I will be there soon. We will grab them some clothes. 

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