A Game of Cat and Mouse

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After arriving home you throw your ice cream into the freezer and plop on the couch. You've had a hell of a day, and for once in your life realize that Fridays might be the worst day of the week. It's only been a week and you already love block schedule, having all of your classes in one day sort of sucks now. But, the thing you are dreading the most right now is seeing Sam again. You have mostly calmed down about your interaction, but you are still furious with him.

Your phone buzzes, which snaps you out of your reverie.

Cal: What part of text me when you get home do you not get, dumbass?

You sigh, but smile knowing he cares about you.

You: Sorry, I've been distracted.

Cal: I noticed, you seemed off in the store. Also, have you met the guy you walked home before?

You: No, I haven't, he just seemed like he really needed help. Also, do you know why Sam just snaps at people randomly?

Cal: I do not want to talk about that emo nerd, and that was super dangerous, what if he kidnapped you?

You: Then you'd know the last person I was with :).

Cal: You are stupid. Going back to Sam though...

You: What happened to not talking about the emo nerd lmao?

Cal: Whatever, he's a freak okay. Leave his ass alone.

Cal's usual bitterness makes you laugh, and you feel a little better about the fact he didn't make it into a big deal. Cal has known Sam for the longest, it seems, and if Cal isn't freaked out then you shouldn't be either. It's assumptions like this that will cause you the most harm in the end.

Finally deciding what to do about Sam, you text him.

You: Hey, want to meet up tomorrow?

Sam replies almost immediately, which makes you smile a little.

Sam: Hell yeah Peaches! When are where?

You: A park, I'll send you the address. When are you free?

Sam: Pretty much all day.

You: Noon then?

Sam: Sounds good, is there going to be food •\•

You: Maybe :)

Hell no there won't be food. You are still pissed at him and are just going to argue with him under false pretenses. Maybe even give him a taste of his own medicine and just start being rude for no damn reason. You will not forgive him until he explains himself.

You finally have had enough of today and decide to call it a night. A familiar feeling then descends upon you: unbridled paranoia. You quickly run through the house and close all of the curtains and lock the doors. When the feeling still doesn't fuck off, you hop into bed and hide under the covers. You can't even begin to imagine why you are feeling this way. It feels like some curse that has been cast upon you. You haven't felt this scared since you were a kid who was convinced there were monsters lurking in the shadows. Exhaustion finally takes over and you fall asleep, not seeing someone step out from the shadows.

It was no easy task to get into your house without you knowing, and even harder to stay hidden. It was all worth it though, to see your sweet, slumbering face. Walking closer to you, a man strokes your face with his fingers and leans down to smell your hair. He could stay here like this all night, but unfortunately he has something to attend to. Thankful for your deep sleep, he proceeds to set up cameras in various corners of your room. He also takes a few items as a souvenir for this trip: a pencil, a shirt from your hamper, and a pair of panties.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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