Peaches and Gym Socks

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Freaked out about the fact that Sam knew where you lived, you start pacing around your living room. There has to be a logical explanation, I mean, you are new. That makes sense, this house could've been his old friend's house or something and that's how he knew. You rule him out as a suspect for the person giving you the intense paranoia, as you were with him the day it started. Honestly, you just wanted a friend and you are willing to over look this. Realizing you had two options, you go over the pros and cons in your head.

If you ask him how he knew your address, he could react in many different ways. He could come up with a perfectly normal reason and assuage your concerns. He could react violently, or poorly at you accusing him. He could totally shut you out. The worst thing that could happen though, is he becomes creepier.

Your other option is to act oblivious. You could pretend like you never realized he found your address and never bring it up. This has its cons as well. He could see it as an opportunity to be creepier, thinking you didn't know. He could think you're an idiot and not want to be friends. You honestly didn't like this option as it would leave you with constant uncertainty around Sam.

Resolving yourself to asking him tomorrow, you go to take a shower to get the grease off of you.

Arriving in government the next morning, you sit in your usual spot. Anxiously waiting for Sam, you popped your knuckles over and over, even when they weren't popping anymore. You decided last night to ask him in class incase he reacted negatively to your questions. He couldn't do anything to you in class.

"Hey, Peaches, what's with the sweaty hands?"

Jumping, you realize he sat next to you and is giving you a strange look.

"You look extremely nervous, are you okay? Is it the same thing that happened in the donut shop?"

"No, it's not that. I do need to ask you something, though."

"Okay, what's going on?"

"How'd you know my address?"

"Seriously, that's what you were stressing about?" He gives you a condescending look that makes you want to punch him in the face.

"Yes, it is." You spit out, getting ready to be the one who gets violent.

Realizing you are pissed off, he softens his face and says, "I'm sorry, I wasn't making that face at you. It's just a gut reaction to me finding out things aren't as bad as they seem."

"Well, it's fucking rude. No one wants to be looked at like that."

"I understand, my bad."

"I notice you still haven't answered my question."

"Oh yeah, I knew your address because you gave it to me," you give him an extremely confused face and he continues, "Well, not directly I guess, but you described your house the first day we met and I recognized it."

"That's extremely suspicious."

He throws up his hands and gives you a disarming smile, "It seems weird, I'll give you that. I've lived here my whole life, though, and have biked through every neighborhood in this town. I have a good sense of direction."

Giving a sigh of utter relief, you smile at him.

"Thank god, and sorry for accusing you. I've been so on edge recently."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know, but it feels like I'm constantly being watched."

He furrows his eyebrows and you are once again drawn to his eyes. They really are gorgeous, you could almost get lost in them. You both stare at each other, for what feels like an eternity until you clear your throat and look away. Feeling awkward, you pull out your earbuds and offer one to him. He gladly accepts and you both sit like this until the bell plays.

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