Nicknames and Annoyance

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"Sure, I'll play, I don't understand why you are so obsessed though," Cal says, grinning at the prospect of a challenge.

"I'm in it to win it, and you are easy to win against," you say, shuffling the cards you pulled out of your bag.

Rolling his eyes, Cal picks up his cards.

"I gave you eleven because I'm so nice."

"I'll get eleven next round as well, when I win this one."

"In your dreams."

You two both start gamer focussing and get through multiple rounds. Your scores are once again even, this time you are in the lead, though.

"You are so done for," you say.

"Get fucked, loser," he says, laying his card face down.

"There's no way, you are literally cheating."

"Okay, Mouse, this is coming from you who cheated to win last time."

"I did not!"

"Yes you did, and I finally learned how."

"Yeah? Enlighten me then," you say, getting ready for his explanation. If he gets it right, you'll admit to it, but if not, you'll deny even harder.

"You were counting the cards as you shuffled and dealt," he says with a triumphant look.

"That's not even possible," you say, sweating.

"Oh yes it is, don't think I didn't notice you shuffled a lot faster this time we were playing."

Averting your eyes, you say, "I have no clue what you are talking about."

Cal smirks and leans forward towards you, "you were counting cards last time, that's how you held the card I needed. Risky move, considering you could've been wrong about my cards."

Your face heats up over the fact that he caught you and his close proximity.

"What's wrong? Nervous, Mouse?" He says, leaning even closer.

"Okay, back up a little, but yes, you got me. I was counting cards. The reason I risked it was because it would've been up to chance if I did count and messed up, or didn't count at all."

"Mm, you're a sneaky Mouse, huh?"

Leaning back a little, you say, "I don't know what you mean."

"I'm sure you don't," he says, finally putting space between the two of you.

Extremely flustered, you start to pray the bell will play soon. Cal is just watching you like you are the most entertaining thing he's ever seen.

"Relax Mouse, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole."

"Shut up, Cal, I can't find a single person who asked," you are now annoyed instead of flustered. The bell then finally plays so you grab your bag and stomp away.

Making your way into your chemistry class, you don't see Sam in his usual spot. Confused, you sit down and pull out your chem supplies. There is a lab today, and you are very excited to do it. Sam then walks in, looking rather upset.

"What's up with you, man?" you ask.

"Just got some infuriating news."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You should be."

You can't tell if he is being sarcastic or not, but it came off rude either way.

"Okay, don't take it out on me though."

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