New Girl

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Getting ready for your first day of school, you, sighed. You moved here over the summer due to your mother's work, and you weren't thrilled about it.

It was an annoying time to move, it being your senior year. All the fun senior activities that your last school had in store were down the drain and 10 hours away.

Moping and getting ready for the day, you fixed your hair. Putting on a cute outfit and heading downstairs, you ran into your mom.

"Hey Mama," you greet.

"(Y/n)! Good morning," she says, "Excited for your first day?"

"Well considering I can't drive to school, I'm not ecstatic," you say.

She rolled her eyes, looking very tired, "I'm sorry baby, I'm doing my best right now. I'm sorry I had to sell your car."

"I know," you say, feeling a little guilty, but not enough to stop missing your car. You had that tin piece of junk since your freshman year, and spent a year fixing it up. It was another victim of the move, and it didn't even sell for much.

"Anyways, I have to run but I'll see you tonight, sweetheart," she says, giving you a squeeze and walking out the door.

All alone, you thought. She said she'd be home tonight, but you knew it was a lie. She always put on airs about not working overtime, but she was a workaholic to the bone. You didn't quite inherit that trait.

Pulling up a map on your phone, you set off to school, making sure not to forget your earbuds: the only thing that kept you sane at school. It was only a ten minute walk, but driving was so much better, even with school parking lot traffic.

The scenery on your walk, was in all honesty, gorgeous. You hadn't taken the summer to explore, too busy moping. There's tall, towering trees and lush green grass, and the weather was amazing, warm with a slight breeze. Smiling to yourself, you walked to the beat of the song playing in your ears.

Your first period is government. Not particularly excited for the class you stepped in and sat down at a random table with three more open seats. People filed in and sat in groups with their friends leaving you alone. You were starting to wish you got here later so you could fill in a random seat with other people. Now sitting alone in the back, you laid your head down waiting for class to start.

Half way through the class the door banged open, and a very tall boy (at least a foot taller than you) walked in the door. He looked rather grumpy as he searched for a place to sit.

"Should've gotten here earlier," you grumble to yourself. Startled when the chair next you scraped out and became occupied by him. He has a cool style, wearing all black with combat boots. His curly hair is cleanly cut. He has dangly earrings and an eyebrow piercing, and it almost looked like he was wearing eye liner. His dark complexion complimented his eyes. Honestly, those eyes, they are gorgeous, so you'd highlight them too. They were big and brown with fluffy eyelashes, and... oh god you are staring.

Turning to you he smiles and says, "Hey, I've never seen you around," ignoring the glare from the teacher.

"Yeah, I moved here recently," you say.

"Interesting, anyways, I'm Sam," he says giving you a heartwarming grin.

Smiling back you say, "I'm (Y/n), very cool to meet you."

The teacher interrupted with, "Class the seats you have chosen will be your seats for the semester, so get comfortable."

Turning to look at each other, you smiled.

"Guess we better get to know each other."

"I guess so, where'd you move from?"

"It's a ways away and kind of nowheresville."

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