Car Troubles

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After walking home from the park, you feel significantly better than when you were at school. Thinking back, you try to see if you remember anything specific that bothered you. Suddenly your phone buzzes:

Sam: Is this Peaches? I wanted to know if you were doing better after school. You seemed very nervous.

You: I am doing better, I was just on edge for some reason. It's like the feeling of being watched.

Sam: Well, I hope no one is watching you.

You: yeah, thanks

After that you stopped checking your phone and made dinner. You hear the door open and got nervous for a minute until you realize it is your mom.

"Hey Mama!"

"Hi sweetheart, sorry I'm back so late. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever." Thats because she hasn't, you thought.

"Well I'm seeing you now, dinner is almost ready."

"Bless your heart, thank you so much."

Laughing at her overly southern attitude you finish up what you are doing and set the table.

"How's school been, Honey?"

"It's been fine, not much of anything is going on." Just as you say that, you felt a chill go up your spine as your nervous energy came back.

"Hey, Mom, you locked the front door right?"

"I think so, why?"

"I've been getting a bad feeling recently." She looks very concerned at this and asks,

"Have you been taking your meds?"

"Yes, but I can tell that's not the problem. It feels like I'm being watched."

"I'm sure it's nothing, dear, now thank you for dinner but I'm so tired. I'm going to get in bed."

"Alright Mama, love you."

"Love you too." And with that she is gone.

Your sense of unease didn't lessen over the coarse of the night, and you don't get much sleep because of it.

Waking up the next morning, you feel like you've been run over. Sighing and forcing yourself out of bed, you see something that makes your stomach drop. Your underwear drawer is open. You knew for a fact you had closed it last night, and hastily went to see if anything was missing. To your relief, nothing was. Maybe you had forgotten to close it last night. Despite your exhaustion, you bolt for school not wanting to find someone else in your house.

Walking into art, you see Jasmine waving at you.

"Hey Jasmine," you say.

"Damn, it's only the fourth day and you look exhausted."

"It's been rough," you say, laughing.

"Haha I get that. You look like you want to ask me something though."

"Yeah I do. I have gym and office aide with this guy named Callum," her eyes widen at this, "You know him?"

"Yup, he's kind of a school legend."

"How do you mean?"

"Well he was a soccer prodigy, and carried us to state last year. Unfortunately he got injured in an accident, no one really knows how. He quit the team, and has shunned most of his old friends."

Not expecting a tragic back story, you frown, "That's too bad, he's kinda mean though."

"Mean as hell, but that's part of the charm," she says that last bit sarcastically, "So, what about him?"

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