Run Mouse, Run

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Turning on some music, you make dinner, some for tonight and some for lunch tomorrow. You also start cutting peach slices to have as a snack, when you remember your new nickname from Sam. Blushing, you finish up your meal prep and got ready for bed after eating.

Today you wouldn't have anyone to follow around, so you were mostly on your own. You head to your art elective and see a familiar face. It's Jasmine.

"Hey, can I sit here?" you ask.

"Absolutely!" she says, "So how was your first day?"

"It was okay, not really looking forward to calculus though."

"That's on you for taking calc your senior year," she laughs.

You smile and say, "It is what it is. Luckily for me though, today I only have electives."

"Oh, can I see your schedule?" You hand it over.

"Damn, it's a free day for you huh? Art, gym, then office aid, and an off period, I like it. Why are you in gym this year though?"

"My credit didn't transfer over properly, so I'll be in gym with freshmen, oh boy."

She laughs and says, "Don't worry they have a senior gym class, which is actually fun and I think it's your period."

"Oh hell yeah," You say and start doodling.

Sooner than you thought it might, the bell starts ringing, or more accurately playing. You turn up your music as you head to where you hoped the gym was. Walking into the changing room you change into some shorts and a shirt. Realizing you wore your high tops today makes you a little annoyed, but hopefully you can just sit and chill. Walking into the gym, you sit on the bleachers and pale when you see a different familiar face. It's that jerk off from last night! Annoyed just thinking about it, you decide to analyze his appearance. He was pretty, with blonde hair and blue eyes, but he had sharp features which contrasted his would be boyish charm. He was around the same height as Sam, but maybe not a little taller. Nothing else about him really stuck out to you.

"You!" you hear someone shout. Cringing and turning around you see the human bumper car walking towards you.

"Yes?" you answer impatiently, not really wanting this confrontation to be in a school gym.

"I recognize you, Mouse."

Full stop. What the fuck did he just call you?

"First off, my name is Y/n. Secondly of course you recognize me, you literally ran me over in the store yesterday."

Your weird confrontation caught the attention of the other students coming in the door and they began whispering around you guys.

"Isn't he the captain of the soccer team? Why's he fighting with the new kid?"

"Why's he in gym class, shouldn't he be in soccer?"

"Damn, she's kinda cute."

That last one caught your attention and your ears turned red, causing the man in front of you to smirk.

"Oh I see now, Mouse, you like attention from random guys. You ran into me on purpose."

"Like hell I did, get your head out of your-"

"Students! If I could have your attention please. Today is your first day so all I'm making you do is run laps. Take this time to warm up and get to know each other."

Oh goodie, his idea of a good time was running laps. You didn't particularly hate running, in fact you were on your last schools track team. You didn't love it, but there wasn't anything better to do. Looking around to see if you could join a group, you were disappointed seeing that everyone was avoiding eye contact.

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