Praise To The Lord

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He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. –Psalms 107:20.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. –John 14:27.

May 12th Prayer
Lord, we thank You for heaven and earth may pass away, but your words will not pass away. Amen.

May 13th Prayer
Lord, I thank You that as I pray and let my requests be known to you, Your peace which surpasses all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, in Jesus' name, amen.

Huge notice: The prayer up above is of huge importance to me it is a sign of a true Christian, someone who knows and has felt the impact of the Holy Spirit. Glory be to God who was the one who set this writer to share this. When you pray in groups among do not brag about your prayer to bring attention to yourself instead praise God in all the miracles that follow after that gathering of prayer.
If you are not a people person, you can pray anywhere silently as long as you don't let your mind wander with distractions this is why most people bow their heads and close their eyes in prayer they are trying their best to tune out all distractions for me prayer is trickier, but my eyes will not anymore not the way they did as an infant because as an infant I had trouble getting my eyes to lift open. I went through three different eye surgeries in my early childhood and my third one I remember because I was within the normal age of remembering. My eyes have never closed all the way since. So like Gandalf in the Two Towers my eyes are open when I go to sleep every night no matter what location what bed I'm in they are always open. —Lumna10.

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