Lenten Season Daily Devotions P3

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Day 22. Basin Of Water
Thursday ....................................Matthew 27: 24
(Pilate's purpose was not to interfere with anything going on this was his job by God though he was unaware of it until his wife told him him to not interfere so because of her message he did listen unlike several other people who had said in the past they would stick with him to the end and yet didn't aka Peter. I hate it when people said Pilate didn't listen when he is actually one of the few romans who did the accurate job he was supposed to. And it wasn't that he was trying to wash away his past crimes by washing his hands in the basin publicly he was simply declaring in this current moment he could not be blamed for the man's innocent blood he was given to judge

 And it wasn't that he was trying to wash away his past crimes by washing his hands in the basin publicly he was simply declaring in this current moment he could not be blamed for the man's innocent blood he was given to judge

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(Did Pilate think he was doing the RIGHT thing?
The people were starting to riot, after all. By giving them what they wanted, Pilate would
keep the peace. But at what cost, Jesus? He put you, the Prince of Peace, to death! And the basin of water didn't work.
Pilate tried to erase the blame of your death by washing his hands. But he was still guilty! His hands weren't really clean of your blood. I'm putting this basin of water near your cross to remind me of the excuses I'm tempted to use for my behavior. And to remind me that only your blood can wash my guilt away. And it does! (This is the mess that happens when we humans try too deeply to understand what happened during those awful days and we completely miss the most simple point.) To wash your hands publicly is a significant statement as it is to have communion publicly at church. To me Pilate did listen and fulfilled his duty as ordained by God as he was warned to not actually interfere within the actual current context of the bible verses being used here. So in this instance he is no way guilty as he was just doing his job set in motion by God.)

Many Christians in my own current church overcomplicate the very words of the verses of the Bible and greatly misunderstand them. I had an argument with one of the elderly woman of one the church woman at our woman fellowship where she tried to tell me where one member believes in God the whole home can't possibly be saved. Well, I completely and thoroughly 100% disagree.
This is mentioned in the Old Testament with Abraham when Sodom and its neighboring city vileness is mentioned Abraham asked if the cities only had one believer in it and guess who that Believer was it was Lot. And Lot's daughters survive because he listened and believed.
The same thing occurs with Cornelius and his household in the New Testament when Peter arrives to witness their belief and it is declared.
This is also occurs with the Jailer who imprisoned Paul and Silas and when the quakes and after that miracle he asked them what he had to do to be saved. And both apostles responded with the following verse.
"'And they said, "'Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household." Acts 16:31 This is exactly what happened for Lot's daughters in the Old Testament. They were too young to even know the Lord nor would Lot be able to properly explain it.)
There is more than enough proof than one believer in your entire family is enough to spare the household you live with. In another verse I mentioned it is mention that a believing husband Sanctifies an unbelieving wife and the vice versa occurs too a believing wife will sanctify her unbelieving husband. This is also a bible verse I think it's in Romans. For this reason I believe we will see Lot's wife again in the new world to come for despite her weak listening skills she was still an unbelieving wife sanctified by him.

Day 23. Friday....................................Matthew 27: 25
Those people didn't know how true their statement was, did they, Lord? They cried, "We and our descendants will take the blame." They were right, of course. Not only their descendants (children, grandchildren, etc.) are to blame ... we ALL are! We're all sinful and responsible for your death ... even me. But another thing is true, too. Another translation reads, "Let his blood be on us and our descendants." That's true, too. Your blood is on me. Your blood has washed me clean of my sin.

Day 24. Saturday.................................... Matthew 27: 27-30
Soldiers With A Crown
They added injury to their insults, Lord. They were mocking you-worshiping you as a king, but as a joke. But then they injured you, too. They forced a crown of thorns onto your head. And they beat you on the head with a stick. They spit on you. If they had only known what sort of a king you REALLY are, they would have treated you differently. You are my King, Jesus.

Day 25. Sunday....................................Matthew 27: 31-32
Simon Of Cyrene
I'm not sure what was going through Simon's mind, Lord.
Maybe he was insulted and ashamed that he had to carry a cross. The Bible does say that the soldiers had to FORCE him to carry it, after all. But I hope that he felt differently. I hope he felt helpful ... even honored ... that he could assist you. That's how I would feel, Lord.

Day 26. Monday....................................Matthew 27: 33-35
This day makes me sad, Lord. Today I will put you on the cross. I knew this day would come-the cross has been sitting there, right in front of me, since the beginning of Lent. 've been dreading this day ... mosty because I knew that I'm not just putting a sticker on a its paper cross. I really did put you on your cross, Lord. My sin put you on a cross...nailed you to it. I'm so sorry, Lord.
Day 27. Wednesday....................................Matthew 27: 35-36
A Gambling Soldier
They took away everything, Lord. Right below your cross, they even gambled for your CLOTHES! They took everything away from you ... even your clothes ... even your LIFE. What did you ever take from anyone? You took away my sin. You even took away my fear of death. In fact, Lord, you were in the process of taking all of those things away, even while they were taking from you.

Day 28. Thursday....................................Matthew 27: 37
The Sign
I want to remember this sign, so I will place it over your head, Lord. I won't remember it the way the soldiers intended it-as a sick joke. You really are the King of the Jews, Lord. You're the King of the whole world. St. Paul wrote that EVERYONE will realize you are King. Someday, he wrote, "EVERY knee will bow in heaven and on earth, and every tongue will confess that you are Lord." For me that day is today. Even there, on YOU ARE MY LORD!

Day 29.  Friday....................................Matthew 27: 27-38
How humiliating, Lord! You were crucified with two CRIMINALS. You are God's sinless Son. But between those criminals you would have looked guilty. But that wouldn't have bothered you, would it? During your years of ministry you spent a lot of time with the-how does it go?-"tax collectors and sinners." You didn't mind being with the sinners, Lord. In fact, you came to save them.
You came to save me! And that's what you are doing, even up there on the cross ... between two criminals.
Day 30. Saturday....................................       Matthew 27: 39-47
Your torment continues. The people are mocking and taunting you. First just the passersby. Then the chief priests and the leaders and the teachers. And then, just when it seems as though matters can't possibly get any worse, even the two criminals say cruel things to you as well! You are all alone, Lord. No one is on your side. Even God has forsaken you. I wish I could have been there to comfort you, my Savior. But I am standing at a distance-the distance of time. And you are all alone. (It wasn't two criminals being awfully cruel to Jesus it was just one.)
Day 31. Sunday....................................Matthew 27: 48-49
Man With A Sponge
Hold it! There is one person on your side! One man sees your agony and, soaking a sponge in some wine, goes to offer you a drink. I want to remember him, to make sure he is gathered around your cross-one kind man.
Day 32. Monday....................................Matthew 27: 50-53
Raised People
Lent is so sad, Lord, that I sometimes forget about these people. You died. And that makes me very sad. But at the same time, some people who were dead and in their tombs were raised to life. It's as though, even as you die, l am given a special little glimpse of Easter. I want these people to gather around your cross, Lord. They give me hope!

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