Special Prayers From Portal Prayer Books

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This Book was picked up and it was also released in 2018 but a majority of their Special Prayers repeat.

Day of National Thanksgiving (Canada, October 8; US, November 22): Holy Father, You have poured out upon our land Your bountiful goodness. You have protected our country from serious harm and danger. You have sustained our soldiers in the battles this nation has fought. Accept our thanks this day for the countless ways You shower upon us Your great blessings. Forgive us for the sake of Christ when we are ungrateful, and hear us as we seek Your grace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Reformation Day (October 31): Heavenly Father, we thank You for the discernment You gave the great reformer Martin Luther. You opened his eyes to faithfully preach Your Word. Grant us that same discernment. Bless those who have followed in Dr. Luther's footsteps by faithfully preaching Your Word. Help us to understand and apply the message of Law and Gospel to our daily life. Remind us that grace, faith, Scripture, and Christ alone lead to salvation. Amen.

All Saints' Day (November 1): Holy Lord, by Your power and might, Your saints have endured much suffering in various forms for Your name's sake. We give You thanks for their faithful lives and bold witness. Bless our days that we, too, may be found faithful in all our doings. Send Your Spirit that He might use our witness of the Gospel for Your glory and the extension of Your kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Veterans Day (November 11): Almighty and all-powerful Lord, You are unrivaled in heaven and on earth. We give You thanks for all the men and women who have served in the armed forces. May we honor their service with respect and humility in the responsible exercise of the freedoms they have fought to protect. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

End of the Church Year/For the Return of Christ (November 25): Gracious God, You are the ever-present help in time of trouble. We know that on any given day Christ may return in glory. Prepare our hearts and minds for His return by forgiving our sins and cleansing us from all unrighteousness. Keep us ever alert so that we shall be ready for You to welcome us into Your heavenly kingdom.
In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Advent (General): O come, Emmanuel, Jesus, our Lord.
Be our constant source of hope. As this Advent marks a new Church Year, we humbly pray for those around the globe who are hostile to Christianity, who do not know You yet as Savior and Lord, or who have erred from faith in You. Shine the light of Your love into their hearts, as well as ours. By Your Word, grace us all with Your pres-ence. Amen.

Christmas Eve: In Your love, heavenly Father, the Savior of our fallen race has come. With believers throughout the world, this night of nights we sing loud hymns of praise that You sent Jesus Christ to come to bear our sins and to be our Savior. Melt away any harshness in our heart we hold toward others. In simple purity of faith may we, like Mary, embrace the newborn King, in whose name we pray.

Christmas Day: With the Church of all ages, we sing:
"Christ, to Thee, with God the Father, And 0 Holy Ghost, to Thee Hymn and chant and high thanksgiving And unending praises be, Honor, glory, and dominion, And eternal victory Evermore and evermore" (LSB 384:5). Everlasting God, receive the prayers of Your faithful on this most holy day in which we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. Amen.

For Acceptance of Life's Changes (New Year's Eve): As we grow older, good Lord, it is common that a tear falls this night. We leave the old year now passing with many a "mission unaccomplished," whether due to health, age, sinful behavior, or deaths or estrangement of family or friends. I can do nothing to undo that which is now past.
Lift from me the burden of regret. Help me to begin anew, comforted by Your Word, trusting in Your constant mercy, calm and at peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

For the Sick: Almighty God, Your Son, Jesus, healed the sick through His touch, word, and prayer. Keep close to Your heart those of Your children who are afflicted with ill-ness. Grant them healing from their condition. Strengthen their families and caregivers so that their presence and help provide comfort. Amen.

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