Lenten Season Daily Devotions P4

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Day 33. Tuesday....................................Matthew 27:54
This centurion seems to understand, Jesus. He's the only one who knows who you are. How hard it must have been for him. He was in charge of killing you. Yet, when everything was over ... when you finally died.
... he realized who you were-the Son of God.
I hope he understands that it's not too late. I hope he understands that you were .. and ARE ... the Son of God. I'll put him near your cross to remind me that with you it's never too late. Amen, indeed with God's Son it is never too late to follow in Jesus' footsteps.

Day 34. Wednesday....................................Matthew 27:
I wonder how long they have been here, Lord. At the very end, when you are dead and the earthquake is gone and the centurion is silent ... finally the Gospel writer mentions these women. They have been here all along, haven't they? They have watched the entire, terrible thing. They have witnessed your death. And they are silent now, watching from a distance. I will watch with them today. I will mourn my Savior's death.
Day 35. Thursday.....................................Matthew 27: 57-60
Joseph Of Arimthea
Joseph was a generous man, wasn't he, Lord Je-sus? He gave his grave to you. But you are going to surprise Joseph. You won't use his grave for very long. You will give back his grave. Not only that. What you are doing ... by dying and by rising again ... will make it so that even JOSEPH won't need his grave for very long, either. Neither will I!
Day 36. Friday.....................................Matthew 27: 61
Mary and Mary
I've never noticed this verse before, Lord. I've never noticed that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were watching your burial. That would have been a sad sight. They thought that they would never see you again. I will put these two Marys near your tomb. I will let them be sad for a little while. They don't think they will see you again. They are wrong!
Day 37. Saturday ....................................Matthew 27: 62-66
How persistent can these awful people be?! They plotted against you. They paid a disciple to betray you. They captured you, tried you, and tortured you.
Finally they killed you. The whole while they mocked and insulted you. And now? Now they won't even let you rest in peace! They won't even leave your TOMB alone.
They sealed it tight! They are posting a guard! I'm putting this guard in front of your grave, Lord, to remind me that NOTHING ... not even this guard... will keep you in there.
Day 38. Sunday.....................................Matthew 27: 66
A Seal
I remembered something, Lord. In the baptism service, the words are said, "You have been SEALED with the Holy Spirit." 've been SEALED! I will put this seal on your tomb. But it won't remind me of the way Pilate ordered your tomb sealed. It will remind me that I AM SEALED! And I will remember what St. Paul wrote: "When we were baptized, we died and were buried with Christ. We were baptized, so that we would live a new life, as Christ was raised to life by the glory of God the Father."
Day 39. Monday....................................Matthew 26: 14-27, 27:66
One person is missing, Jesus. Throughout this Lent I have watched as people have gathered around your cross. The chief priests are here to ridicule you. Even the criminals are joining in. Judas, your betrayer, is here ... and Peter, still crying in the shame of his denial. The women are gathered to watch you die, and not far away Barabbas is watching you die on his cross. The centurion is here, and Adam and Eve, hoping that what is happening here will undo what they have done. I will take my place with them, Lord. Let this figure represent me. I will watch in stunned silence with this gathered group. I will watch you die. You died for me.
Day 40. Tuesday
An Angel
On this silent Holy Saturday I will place this angel by your tomb. I will name this angel
"Hope." And I will wait until tomorrow.
Day 41. Wednesday.....................................Matthew 28: 1-10, 16-20.
Jesus, Alive!
Jesus, my Lord! You have risen from the grave! You are alive-as alive as a butterfly on a bright spring morning! As alive as the blossoms that are sprouting on the trees! You have been raised from the dead! And you bring me a special promise! I will rise someday, too! I will live forever with you in heaven! This butterfly will remind me that you are alive ... and that you have brought new life to me! Alleluia! Praise the Lord! Alleluia! Amen!

Enjoy guys.

Artist of the Lenten Devotions by Sally Beck, Skylights

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Artist of the Lenten Devotions by Sally Beck, Skylights.
As you saw I pointed out some harsh mistake of misinterpreting and taking an important bible verse and blowing way out of proportion and taking it out of its original context end up completely erasing the verses original point about Pilate, Skylights.
I strictly do not blame the Roman Governor for what happened that day, he didn't believe the mob when Jesus first was sent to him. He received a warning from his wife to continue not to believe the mob and immediately removed himself from interference. Thus being said Pilate only did what he was told to do by God.

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