Prayers for Young Children

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At Waking Prayer
It's morning again!
And before I go play,
I say thank You, Father,
For a new day. Amen.

For God's Day
Dear God,
This day belongs to You.
Help me to remember this
In everything I say and do.

For Our Flag
I look up at our flag today,
So bright against the sky!
It made me want to shout and sing,
It made my heart beat high.
It seemed that it was signaling
Its thanks, dear Lord, to You,
That it could fly in this free land—
And I want to Thank You, too.

To Be Brave
Wherever, Lord, my path is laid,
Wherever, I may chance to be,
I shall walk tall, and not afraid,
Because I know You walk with me.

For God's House
Dear Lord,
I shall come into Your House
Quietly, politely.
And all the time I am here.
I shall remember
This House belongs to You,
And You are very near.
Ps from Lumna10 house in this prayer means the sanctuary of a church the closest thing we have here on this current earth to our house meant for us when Jesus is bound to becoming again, Skylights.

For Rain
I thank You, Father, for the rain
That taps against my windowpane;
Thar taps the earth to let seeds know
It has come to help them grow.

For Snow
Thank You, God, for the lovely snow.
I think You wanted me to know
All the wonder and delight
Of land that is so new and white.

At Mealtime
I bow my head before I eat,
And say thank You, Lord, for bread and meat.

For Food
Thank You, dear Lord, for this food;
For Father to earn it;
For Mother to prepare it;
For brothers and sisters to share it.

A Thank You Prayer
Oh, thank You, dear Father, for the lovely gift You have given us—a new baby to love
And to care for—a new playmate and friend.
Teach me to be gentle. Lord. Teach me to know the best things to do to make our baby happy with us.

On My Birthday Morning & Evening Prayers
In the morning:
Dear Father,
This is my birthday!
I am a whole year older,
A whole year stronger,
A whole year wiser,
And I have known You
a whole year longer!
Thank You, Father.

In the Evening:
Dear Lord,
Thank You for my lovely birthday—
For my mother and my father,
Who filled it with love;
For my friends and playmates,
Who filled it with kindness;
For Your love and protection,
Which filled it with joy.

For One Traveling
Dear Father in Heaven,
My daddy's gone away
On a long trip.
Please, dear Lord,
Take care of him
And bring him safely back
to those who love him so.

At Sunset
Dear Father,
This has been a lovely day!
My playmates and I had such fun
All through the long, bright hours.
Oh, thank You, Lord, for the sun!

To Ask Forgiveness
Dear Father,
I want to say
How sorry I am
If I was naughty today.
I know that You forgive me
And will help me, too,
To do gladly and well
The things I should do.

When I kneel beside my bed,
Fold my hands and bow my head,
I feel so good and quiet, too,
I know that I can talk to You.
I know that You are very near,
And all my secret words, You hear.
And when, dear Lord, I've said my prayer
And I am asleep. You are still there.

At the End of the Day
Dear Father in Heaven,
The wee fishes lie still in the deep pool;
The little birds sleep in their nest;
The lambs quit their play in the meadow;
And I, too, am going to rest.

Lord, take care of the wee, sleeping fishes;
Keep the lambs in the field safe from harm;
Rock the birds in their nests gently, gently
And cradle me, Lord, in Your arm.

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