Love Me

413 22 7

"DON'T STAY!" Chester yelled one last time into the microphone. "Alright cool. So that song is about done. Just a little touch ups are needed." Mike said looking at the screen. Chester nodded and took the headphones of, placing them on the stand in front of him. He glanced at his watch. One-thirty.

He walked out of the vocal booth. He looked up and stared at Mike. His face luminated by the dim light of the computer screen. Chester continued to stare at Mike. His eyes darting across the screen. His eyes wandered to his hand. A silver band around his finger glimmered.

Chester sighed and leaned back against the wall. He hated it. The ring. It was just another reminder that Mike had someone in his life that loved him. Cared for him. But Chester had no one. At least not anymore. Samantha had decided to leave him because of his addiction.

Since then, he's been drawn towards Mike. Mike. He slowly walked to the seat next to Mike. "So this song is done. There's a stack of papers there," Mike muttered pointing at a mound of papers, " Need to revise some lyrics."

Chester sighed and picked them up. A small notepad dropped from under the papers. He handed them to Mike and picked up the notepad.

"Is this more lyrics?"

"Yeah, feel free to add or edit." Mike's eyes tore away from the screen. He stretched, his shirt lifting up slightly and exposing his toned belly. Chester almost gasped but his eyes darted to the paper. Most of them were lyrics they had already recorded, but most of them were new and not at all bad. He flipped through the pages and one title caught attention. 'Drawing'. As he read through the lyrics, tears began to spill over and he let out a strangled sob.

Mike heard the cry and turned to see Chester tugging at his sleeve with his teeth and sobbing. "Ches?" He wheeled his chair so he was next to the other man. "Hey, what's wrong?" He rubbed his hand on his back, hoping it would give him some sort of comfort. It didn't as Chester's sobs grew more persistent. "Is it about Sam?" Chester nodded and let the notepad fall at his feet. "I- I've been such a horrible person Mike," Chester cried out. "I just give you guys trouble everyday when I walk in. I've been such a burden to all of you. Es-Especially with the d-drugs."

Mike looked at Chester. He looked so defeated. Just yesterday, Brad had stormed out of the studio after he and Chester got in an argument. He had set everyone off lately. Except for Mike. Maybe because Mike was the only one that knew that Chester and Samantha had split up just two weeks prior. Mike had been easy on him since them. Giving him a break when he needed it, letting him slack off a little.

"You're being too soft man!" Brad shouted. "The rest of us are working our asses off as he just sits there!"

"Brad. He gets exhausted too. His throat is starting to get messed up." It was a lie. Other than the fact that Chester had a seizure in the bathroom right after that conversation between Brad and Mike. Both Mike and Joe walked in discussing work on a song and they had heard Chester cry out and collapse. His thin frail body shook as his eyes were rolled back into his head. What was worse was that there were drugs next to him. That set everyone off.

"He's doing drugs Mike! He shouldn't be doing this!"

"Phi. I know, but he's done so much for the band." Dave and everyone else were furious. Chester had been outside the door the entire time, listening to the band's horrible remarks about him and his 'problem'. Even Don suggested a new vocalist. He had been in out of the hospital because of his addiction and it was making Samantha lose her patients with him. They split up soon after CHester was admitted back into the hospital after another seizure.

Chester came into the studio in a foul mood everyday after that. He always hide side comments about the way Rob or Brad were playing. He was hardly in the studio during the actual writing process. He was only there to record vocals. He had ticked everyone off.

Now Mike was seeing the walls Chester had built up around himself crumble. Chester's body shook as he sobbed uncontrollably. "Mike...d-did you write this because of me?" Mike didn't want to admit it, but he did. He cared so much about the man he called his best friend. He had to somehow show it. "I...I did." Chester's sobs ceased. "W-why?"

"Because I care about you Chester. A lot." Chester looked up at him. Was Mike really saying this? Of course he had dreamed of Mike liking him back. Loving him back. But this was too soon. He had fallen in love with Mike with the past couple of months. Was this really happening to him.

"You're my best friend Chester and I-" Best friend? Did he only see him as a best friend. Surely Mike was denying himself. He didn't want to admit that he really liked Chester. But not in the way most people would think someone would love their best friend. "Chester I-" He hesitated once again and it was killing Chester. He knew it had to be something more.

With all the strength he could muster, Mike lifted a hand and cupped Chester's face. He looked into the glistening orbs and took a deep breath. Anna was gonna kill him.

He slowly leaned forward, closing his eyes. He felt Chester's short breaths against his own lips. Chester felt his stomach flip as Mike's lips were only centimeters from his. He closed his eyes, hoping that this wasn't a dream. Mike felt the other man's lips brush gently against his, sending shivers down his spine.

The door creaked open.

(( I have a good feeling about this Short ))

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