Chester Gets His Period

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"Miiiiiiiiiike," Chester whined as he rolled over onto his stomach. "Whaaaaaaat?" Mike whined back as he walked into the room. Chester was in the bed, doubled over in pain, his hands clutching his stomach.

"Chester!" Mike rushed over to Chester, grabbing him and holding him. "Baby what's wrong?"

"It hurts Mikey," Chester moaned, pain filling his voice. "What hurts?" Chester pointed at his lower stomach. Mike raised his eyebrows. "Is it a stomach ache?" Chester shook his head. "It also hurts here--here and here," Chester said as he pointed to his lower back, and legs. "Do you know what it is? Why you're hurting?"

"I don't know. I called the guys over. They said they probably know what it is," Chester whimpered and cuddled into his boyfriends chest. Mike held him while trying to think what could be causing Chester all this pain. There was a soft knock on the bedroom door, then their bandmates walked in. Brad was holding a Walgreens bag.

"Hey Chaz!" Joe greeted. Mike immediately started asking questions. "What going on with Chester? Is he going to be okay?"

Dave chuckled, "Relax Mike. Chester only started his period."

"Wait what-"

"It's been obvious too. Ya know? The cramps, cravings, mood swings."

"Chester hasn't had mood-

"Why don't you love me Mikey!?" Chester burst out crying, covering his face he turned and buried himself in the blankets. Mike jaw dropped. "Look we bought all he needs," Rob said as he took the bag from Brad. "Pads, pain relievers, candy-- you know, the whole bit."

Mike shook his head, "You guys. Chaz is a guy...I would know." All of his bandmates laughed. "Oh gosh Mike, didn't your parents give you The Talk?"

"Yeah but-"

"I got mine like two years ago," Brad said. Mike stared at him before Dave piped in. "I got mine after Brad!"

"I got mine last year," Rob muttered.


"Joe shut the fuck up."

Mike shook his head. "I don't believe you guys." Joe gave him a serious look. "Do you want me to show you."

"I'd rather you not."

Chester poked his head back up and took the package of pads. He bolted to the other side of the room and went to the bathroom. He slammed it shut and the guys could hear the pad being noisily ripped open. Mike stared at the door with a blank expression, obviously not understanding a thing that was going on.

"Don't worry Mike. You'll get yours soon," Joe reassured him as he pat Mike in the back. "Yeah...sure."

Chester emerged moments later, a look if relief on his face. "God I needed those." He plopped down and dove into the candy his friends brought him. "Mikey's just jealous cause he doesn't have his period yet," Chester giggled. "No I'm not."

Chester burst into tears again and Mike sighed, moving towards him and holding him close. "I'm sorry baby."

"Y- you don't love m-me," Chester sobbed. "Hon I do," Mike told him as he rubbed his shoulder. Chester wiped the snot and tears off his face and continued eating his candy.

"I'm...going to go shower." Mike said calmly and he gathered his thing to get showered. Once the water was heard running, everyone burst out laughing. "Oh gosh did he seriously believe it?" Rob asked laughing.

"He's probably questioning life now," Chester said as he chewed a mouthful of Skittles.

Oh my god I wrote this all in one shot and I honestly don't know what the fuck I was thinking. Plus I did this in algebra...;-;

Uproar will be released at 4:00 pm (Mountain Time zone USA thing) tomorrow!!! I hope you guys are ready!!!


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