Right Person

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Have we ever given it a thought to that one famous quote of

Right person at a right time makes their love shine?

But in all reality do they shine? Do these emotions unveil

The whole knew definition of love? The kind of the love that we dreamed of?

Maybe from the chapters of our past there is always this story of that one tale

where the exact opposite of the quote happens

Wrong place wrong time but the person we choose to be in love with was one of a kind

Yet the love shined as the brightest star proving that quote as null as empty words are

The connection of that fragile feeing that the world decided combine

That feeling of bliss that once we craved to call as mine

the warmth of affection that drove deep within our nerves

when we thought of that one person our heart desired of

with the fear of the lone that made us frown

what did we do to deserve this beautiful feeling I treasure

with all honesty they looked in the eye whispering

all I ever need is you, be it in the widest storm

the scary nights, in the pouring rain, in the happiest sight

thats all it took to embrace this felling I now own as mine

because all they said was the whispers on my heart.

It was the past indeed the past I connected with

The past with beautiful insight

The memory of the precious love Im with

Which I once feared to was a lie.

I did deserve them so did they

So, the place doesnt matter nor the time

All I ever needed was that one person who I now call mine


have you ever fell in this kid of love?

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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