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Scared is what i feel,

frustration is what it filled,

hating the moment I'm in now,

hate every voice I'm hearing around,

what if things repeat? it just hard to stand still.

Scared of what i feel, scared of this empty glares i give,

finding a way a; way to endure,

finding a rope of strength to hold on,

scared to the lost and wild , hopeless to this fading light,

expectations were never there still there is this feeling of despair,

calmness slowly fading not knowing how to hold it.

Scared is what i feel scared of me changing again

I'm scared of feeling the fear because i don't what's in there for me to bear,

sacred of these returning feeling of glum,

scared of these baseless nights scaed of crying alone in the pathless roads,

scared is what i feel isn't there a way to break it free?


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