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I think life was easier a few years back,

Back into the times where we had a choice,

Even if the days were consistent as of,

getting up, getting ready, eating, doing things which were supposed to get done

and sleeping and repeating, still amidst of this we had a choice

a choice of playing a bit more with our mates,

a choice of watching tv together than some screen wrapped in some darkness,

a choice to laze around on a random Sunday morning,

a choice of simple happiness even it was meant to last for a shorter while it made it worth of some good memories.

I think our little selves were more persistent that we could ever be

They cared about being happy,

They fought for what they want,

They cried when they were hurt,

They talked when things go wrong.

Its funny thinking about it now because in the course of growing up we somewhere forgot ourself in the crowed that once we hated to be in

Was it to fit in or was it because thats what we wanted or,

maybe it was because thats how they wanted us to be seen,

Now we even forgot how to answer our own questions that linger in our head all along,

Being the ADULTS that the world termed it ,

Our choices became one difficult task to choose from,

Our Need or their wants,

Having a dream or shouldering out our responsibility ,

Crying out our gloom or ignoring our own plea,

Where did it go all wrong? Why did we made a choice of being the bait to the world?

And just continue to live in the steps that was carved for many like us.

Is it too late if we realise that we indeed lost a little bit of ourself,

every time we made a choice it was of leaving our selves behind,

Who is at fault us? Or the roles of the fate that we play in?


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