I could feel it all

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I could feel it!

The burns of vulnerability, the flames of fear,

I swear I could feel with every breath I inspire

Unnoticed my tears fall, unseen my screams go.

I could fell it all!

The voices in my head dragging me somewhere unknown

The emotions I held protected till now is laid out open in a spark

With every piece of cloth on, here Im standing naked.

Trying to embrace the vulnerability it unfolded.

I could feel it all!

the rush of this feeling of drowning deep within,

with every breath being knocked

the feeling of the shivering cold of the gloom

here I stand, seeing myself shredding apart

I used, used to hold on to myself tighter

But this unknow touch of pity is unveiling me

From reality of the world, I refused to see

Holding onto myself a little tighter

A voice in my head shouting please keep me hidden

I keep on praying for spark of hope.

Oh! Something warm it is?

I could feel it all!

The blanket being wrapped keeping me hidden

The blanket of safety with the warmth of assurance

Hearing a voice say you will be okay; I will keep you hidden

I took a long breath and it felt like new since forever

With that blanket draped around me

I stood up to find my way,

No, no I was not afraid of these stares of pity or whispers of the world

This was my tears I treasure be for joy or glum.

My vulnerability is for me to protect not for the world to express.

Because at the end of the hours its just me.

And I could feel it all.


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