Epilogue: Chainsaw's Edge

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The boy was vulnerable.. 

He was on the precipice. 

Makima could see that clearly. 

"Are you quite sure...?  That you wish to put all of yourself in me?  That you wish to do all that?" Her silky voice filled the boy's head as she whispered. 

While she knew it was how she as the Control Devil always spoke, she had learned quite early in life that speaking in such a manner had a way of befuddling men, making them desire her, moving them towards her as cute toys. 

Always men wanted women to step on them, to dominate them.. even the ones that preferred to dominate women sometimes had that inner dark desire they didn't know they had. She merely needed to find it.. grasp it.. chain it.. 

Like this broken boy

To be controlled was to be free of responsibility.

To listen instead of taking control.. was to live free of the pain of choice.

The boy, his mess of orange hair belied his depression as he smiled slightly and held a half hearted thumbs up to Makima's question. 

"Hmmmm.." Makima smiled back as her multitude of dogs, which she kept as pets all barked and jumped off her bed and she pointed at the boy.  "Well then. Roll over..."

The boy grinned and rolled around on his back. 


The boy put his hand in Makima's palm, showing full obedience.

Makima smiled. "Good boy."

"Woof." the boy nodded, as Makima felt satisfaction.  Yes, the boy was hers now.. and soon.. the thing she truly desired.. the thing she could always know on scent alone was within the boy.. yes.. he would be hers. 

Makima  then heard a soft doorbell go off and smiled. Soon.. 

"Whose that?" The boy muttered.

"Oh..? That's Power of course." said Makima. 

"P.. Power?" The boy said. 

"Ah.. of course, you see, I invited her over.. "

"Why did you in-?"

"Oh Denji, are you supposed to think?"

Denji stopped, and then let out another "Woof" 

Makima smiled again and took Denji's hand, guiding him to the door of her apartment, slowly and surely. 

She let Denji stand in front of the door. 

"Now... open the door so I can kill Power." said Makima. 

Makima could see it. The momentary confusion in Denji's eyes. The shock of the statement.. of Makima wanting to kill the person whom he saw as a sister.. as family, the only one he had left after his death.

But her power overshadowed that doubt.

As she predicted.

As she had known.

Who could resist her after all?


The boy's doubt vanished from his face as he opened the door. 

A girl stood in the hallway. Blonde, young, wearing a jacket over her Public Safety uniform.. red horns peaking out of her hair, with cross shaped pupils over her yellow eyes, and sharp teeth peaking from her front lips. 

She looked momentarily surprised, holding a birthday cake in her hands, meant for the boy who had just opened the door to her doom. 

Makima raised her finger, smiling coyly, pointing at the girl. "Ba-.."

Makima froze. Stopping mid-word, this time she was the one who was surprised.

There was something there.. no.. somebody there, who she hadn't expected. 

Several somebodies. 

A black haired beauty of a girl stood next to Power, wearing a leather jacket with a red streak in her hair..  a Butler, with chin length black hair and an umbrella held over his small charge.. a little blonde girl dressed in dress clothing that should've been worn by an adult, looking quite unusual on what looked like a 12 year old. 

The butler and teen meant nothing to Makima.. she already knew who the little girl was.. and for the first time in a long time.. fear filled her chest slowly. 

"Well well Makima.. I was just having a word with dear Power over here, about our recent program.. though while we're on the subject.." Nia Tothep said, smiling serenely, her eyes colder than the darkest expanse of space. "I do believe I warned you about what I'd do if you kept messing with that boy.. so many dead.. and its all on you... Time to pay the piper."

"M..Makima..? Wh.. who is?" Denji muttered.

Nia sighed as she pointed a finger at the frozen stiff Makima. "Oh.. yes.. allow me to finish your thought for you... I believe the word was.... Bang."

Denji blinked. Makima was gone..  then he smelt smoke and looked down with confusion to see a pair of charred legs wearing Makima's shoes. 

"Huh, I should've put in a little more power.. I wanted to burn her away so you all wouldn't be traumatized by the blood and guts.. but a pair of burning legs might be a bit traumatizing too.. no matter, keep your eyes on me Denji.. that's it.." Nia's voice swayed the boy's eyes over to her, as if there was a soothing power to it.

It didn't feel like Makima's voice. It didn't feel like control, rather it felt like.. a friendly guide..

"My friend here.. has something to say." 

Denji looked at the black haired girl. 

And immediately he felt his heart throb, and a slight male urge twinge at the back of his mind. A stronger feeling than when he even first met Makima. 

"Hi." said the girl, smiling kindly. "The name's Erice Tsukiyomi. Uh, we don't know each other.. but I thought you'd like to think about becoming a Super Hero..  Chainsaw Man right?"

End of Epilogue

also this song slaps. 

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