Unlimited Bladeworks.

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Ben barely had time to transform as multiple muskets exploded at him from within the carriage.. 

Diamondhead was sent exploding across the snow, blasting through multiple houses as he could hear Erice screaming his name in reaction.. 

"AAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!" Shuten Douji's claws caught the huge crystal alien by his waist, slamming her feet into the earth to gain traction. 

"BOOOOOOOOOM!!" A shockwave exploded out from her bare clawed feet as she screamed, and finally in a titanic display of Oni strength, she managed to keep Diamondhead from flying away any further.. 

"Haaah... hahhh.." Shuten gasped as Diamondhead slid to the ground, moaning. 

The alien shakily stood up and held up a hand, which he had blocked with earlier.. to find that half of it was gone... and the crystal wasn't shattered, rather it was caked in molten magma.. as if the crystal itself had been melted away by extreme pressure.. .. 

Diamondhead watched in shock as his entire right arm then crumbled into shards of crystal dust onto the ground. 

He then looked up.. 

The entire village was in flames.. the houses he was blown through aside, multiple giant energy beams shot from levitating muskets were razing the village to flaming hunks of wood and molten rock.. 

The corpses of burned ninjas and civilians lay in the snow, painting it black with ash and blood as the one armed Diamondhead stood up, staring. 

Some of the bodies were unusually small..  Like that of chil-.

"Well well well.. I didn't expect you to be THIS fucking weak.."

Diamondhead looked up. 

"T-Tennyson.." Shuten rasped, her fangs gritted. 

None other than Nobunaga was strolling through the burnt wreckage, flames at her back as she held a person in each hand. 

In her right, the barely conscious Erice was being dragged by her arm, her body trailing blood through the snow as it went. 

The other hand held Raijin, who was groaning and struggling as the shogun's iron grip held him by the throat. 

"G-Get out!" Raijin gasped. "I.. I'll hold her off-."

Nobunaga raised an eyebrow, giving Raijin an expression of absolute disgust. "You.. are still going on about that shit!? hold me off when you're DEAD!"

Nobunaga threw Raijin, her sheer pure physical strength sent the oni hurtling straight into one of the mountains surrounding the secret village, decapitating the mountain top as an avalanche erupted from the impact point and buried the unburnt parts of the village. 


Ben felt it.. 

The same Rage from the night he saw Ophelia die in the Time Loop. 

"Let.. her... go.." Diamondhead growled quietly.

"her? Oh this piece of trash is a person?" Nobunaga grinned as she held up Erice's limp form in front of her. "I wouldn't have known. Trash fights like trash after all. And if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck-.."


Nobunaga stopped talking as Diamondhead's crystal projectile shards bounced off her body as if she were invincible. 

"How rude, I'm talking you know." Nobunaga said as she snapped her fingers, and a musket appeared, firing a powerful blast straight into Diamondhead's head.

"FFFFSSSHHH!" the crystal on Diamondhead's face bore a molten orange scar as he was sent reeling. 

"Ohohohoho! That's some HARD crystal, for it to endure that much of my power.. granted you ARE using Omni, but so am I, you're amazing kid." said Nobunaga with a chuckle. "Unfortunately.. not amazing enough."

"RRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Shuten Douji appeared behind Nobunaga and hurled a clawed slash at her head. 

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