The Third Strongest Alien.

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An explosion shook the forest..

Erice staggered to her feet, panting wildly, blood pouring down her forehead. She was in her fairy Form.. her gold trident stabbed into the earth behind her as she gritted her teeth and clutched her arm. 

"Wh-what the hell.. he isn't even.. using Omni Energy.. he's just thrashing us with his own pure power.. ju-just what kind of.." Erice gasped.

An explosion shook the forest once more as a shadow was cast over Erice from above. 

Erice blinked and looked up, her eyes widening in shock as Humungousaur at full size fell down towards her. 

"SHIT!!" Erice created a tidal wave that swept her out of the way in a flash as Humungousaur smashed into the earth, creating a titanic crater. 

From the dust opposite Humungousaur, Gojo stepped out, his eyes glowing like a strange god of unfeeling thrills. 

He grinned. "Now now, this can't be all the power of the Omnitrix's wielder amounts to after the Radiant War.  We've been fighting for 10 minutes now and you've yet to land a single scratch on me."

"You haven't even EXPLAINED why the HELL we're doing this!!" Humungousaur roared as he staggered to his feet. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

"I explained already, I'm going to kill you, and if you don't fight back, you're guaranteed dead." said Gojo as he brought up his hand and bent his fingers into a hand sign of sorts.

A red dot appeared on the tip of the finger as it started to glow brightly. 

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red..

"GRAAAAAAHHH!!" There was a flash of green light, as XLR8 emerged in a flash of green light and sped out of the way right before a powerful pulsating red force of power blasted past him and blew apart multiple trees in one go. 

Gojo smirked. "Now where do you think you're going?"

Gojo drew a hand back. "Cursed Technique.. Blue."

A sweeping cyclone seemed to churn straight into Gojo's hand.. as a massive gravitational pull swept towards the swirling blue and black vortex whirling around his palm...

Trees and rubble whirled into the void, vanishing into nothing as XLR8 tried to run away at hyper speed, only to start running in place as he struggled against the pulling void.

"COME OOOOON!!" XLR8 roared as he tried to run faster and faster, his legs moving at blurring speed against the ground, dust kicking up and swirling into Gojo's cursed technique like everything else. 

At that moment however, Gojo's smirk vanished slightly as he looked up. "I sense something unbelievably angry.."

Gojo suddenly chuckled as he saw what was creating a massive shadow above him. "Of course its her. She really is scary for a magical girl."

Erice levitated above the forest, a horrifying shadow crossing her incredibly furious face. "Oi.. hands off my Alien... "

Behind Erice was a towering watery figure that hadn't been seen since the Radiant War, a massive watery trident in one hand 10 times the size of Godzilla. 

"Poseidon.." Erice whispered. 

"I think she summoned an entire ocean's worth of water in this space." said Gojo. "Hmm.. Radiant War worthy Heroes without limits or need for a Radiance sure are terrifying."

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