A Meeting Is Held.

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In Nia's Multiversal Plumber's Hero Academy, there was a single room that looked so simple compared to the sweeping architecture, fancy dorms, lecture halls, and strange fantastical phenomenons of space time that literred its Planet sized Building. 

It was a room that looked so ordinary, sitting in it made you feel like you were a struggling business man in Japan, or an official member of a school board meeting..  and if you guessed the second one, you would be right. 

The earliest member there, who sat in the empty room at a chair near the middle of the long wooden table that smelled of office cleaners and coffee, grunted nervously as he adjusted the tie on his suit. 

He was not the sort to wear this kind of clothing, nor did the world he come from even have this sort of thing. Wearing this was best described as a form of culture shock overall. 

His nerves, however, did not match his appearance, which seemed more meant to cause intimidation than to recieve it.  A tall man who was on the upper scale of human height, probably 6 and a half feet, with pale white skin the color of ashes, a bald head and red tribal tattoos covering one side of his face over his arm and chest like a bloody stripe (parts of which were unseen under the suit), and a powerful muscled build that would've looked at home in a WWE wrestling match, as well as a thick brown beard that brought a sense of wisdom to his scowling featured face.. he looked like the one person in a fantasy RPG who was feared as the final boss.

In a sense, Kratos was every bit his appearance, having earned infamey as a slayer of gods at one point in his long life, and having become one himself.  However now, he was a father and a rebuilder of a world he had saved from the tyranny of an uncaring pantheon. 

However, little more than 2 weeks after assisting his ally Freyja in building a new settlement for mortals in Midgard, and a strange little girl accompanied by a butler, appeared in his home. 

"Greetings Kratos, God of War, and All Father of the new Nine Realms." said the girl, who in spite of her age, belied immense power that the old god could sense enough to be weary.  "I know this is highly unorthodox for both of us, but I have been watching your fight against Odin for quite some time. I run a school for individuals who I believe are in need of your kind of experience and wisdom.  Normally you would have to attend classes and graduate first to truly be elligible, but I think an exception can be made for what you can provide.."

A few months of delliberation and visiting the campus later, The last Greek God of War found himself in a situation he never imagined...

Teaching PE to super powered teenagers.  

Though of course "PE" was more of a clever nickname. The class was actually called- "Advanced Practical Combat and Battle Scenario Studies." 

While he may have had his doubts about teaching at first, especially given his quite nonverbal nature, he soon found his skills as a Spartan General being put to good use.

But.. this scenario.. this one was new to him..

Kratos gave a start as a hand clapped on his hulking shoulder and Satoru Gojo slid into a wheeled office chair next to him, wearing a dress shirt and pants, and a pair of black glasses instead of his usual blindfold. 

"Not used to dressing up big guy?" Gojo asked, grinning. 

"Shouldn't you be with your students?" Kratos grunted in his deep voice. 

"We just got away with a huge victory in the mission, so Nia felt I had enough time to head back for the annual board policy meeting." said Gojo. "Good thing too, heard this one's a big one.."

"Hm.." Kratos grunted. 

"Oh I know that grunt.. it's the 'this is kind of weird, cause you don't stand much on ceremony'  grunt right?"  said Gojo. 

"Hm." Kratos affirmed.

"See, a year of working together has given us sort of a dynamic hasn't it?" Gojo said with a grin. "i should be a Kratos Gruntinese Interpreter."

"I fail to see why this meeting is of more import than the others." Kratos said. 

"Well first, we've got a new Senior Board Member, aka you!" said Gojo. "Senior Board members don't just grow on trees you know, some of them are even Outer Gods that control big swathes of the multiverse.  Secondly.. well.."

Kratos raised an eyebrow, sensing the worry from Gojo. "Speak.. what is wrong?"

"Well the senior members who aren't our teachers have been expressing dissatisfaction with Nia of late." said Gojo. "The whole situation with the Radiant War ending in the creation of that Alice girl.. a being who by all counts, shouldn't exist... Ben Tennyson somehow ending up in the center of all Reality, Omnialalaya.. and getting into a HUGE fight as a Celestialsapien RIGHT there.. and then Sephiroth, who still can't seem to be found, even with the entire Multiverse looking for him..  I think they're questioning whether she should be replaced as Headmistress and Head Plumber. "

"That is senseless." Kratos growled. "She created this school."

"And yet she made it a democracy, not a dictatorship." said Gojo. "I think Nia's still cautious about what Nyarlatothep used to be, so she's never let herself gain more power than she thinks is necessary politically within the Multiversal Plumbers.. however.. Well, I think we can both agree she's gone overboard."

Kratos merely grunted, however, Gojo nodded, as if understanding the actual feelings put into that simple action.

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