Two Red Dragons

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"Tsk... Can't believe it.."

The voice echoed in Ben's head.  He could barely think or gather any sort of thought together. All he knew was that he existed and he was in pain..  His eyes were blurred. 

"This kid.. I told Nia.. I told her he wasn't ready.. that she should've sent me instead. But no.. that bastard Gojo had to insist that he be the one to save his friends.. "

Ben's eyes could only open partially as he caught sight of what appeared to be a rusty knight's gauntlet holding him gently.. 

Rain pattered off it.. and mud drenched his own tattered clothes.. the Omnitrix flickering feebly as his arm dangled haphazardly off the knight's own arms.. 

Her voice.. sounded familiar but for some reason he couldn't place it. 

It was as if something were keeping it from recognizing her.. 

Ben continued to phase in and out of consciousness. 

One moment he found himself on a soft bed made of what felt like sheep skin and wool as what appeared to be oni girls dressed in rags, tended to him. 

Ben moaned as the onis quietly put a cloth over his forehead began cleaning out a bloody wound near his shoulder. 

As his vision threatened to go black again, he noticed Erice nearby, lying on another sheepskin matress as a figure leaned his ear over her chest and spoke quickly with the armored woman.

Her armor was covered in rust,  Parts of it still gleamed silver with red stripes, as if it had once been quite a beauty when it was still in its prime. Ben wondered how anybody could wear such rusty armor without getting Tenatus..

"She's breathing fine. Its pretty apparent she has a similar power to your mother." The figure next to the knight was saying. 

"Course she does, Mom's the one who gave her those powers." the knight said. "Well one of my moms anyways, she's a complicated shithead Le Fey, but Sandra was always-"

"H-hey.. Erice.. " Ben rasped.

"Shit." The knight came into view. She was a woman that much was certain, parts of her shattered armor revealed her feminine figure underneath, dressed in battle worn red cloth. What was left of a silver horned helmet, now partially rusted to the point one of the horns had broken off and broken so that it couldn't obscure her blonde hair which was tied in a messy pony tail that had braids leading to it on the side of her head. 

Her hair color and the way it sort of flopped around reminded Ben of his mother.. and somebody else whom he couldn't recall..

"E..rice.." Ben began to sit up. "Hanz-.."

"Sit still kiddo, ya ain't in any condition to get up." the woman pushed Ben down, her broken helm gleaming in the fire light of the old cabin. "You're still being treated.. hey!"

Ben pushed past the woman and made to get up, only to collapse straight into her arms as he blacked out again. 

When Ben finally awoke for good, he found himself lying on a porch as a sun set over what appeared to be rolling hills

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When Ben finally awoke for good, he found himself lying on a porch as a sun set over what appeared to be rolling hills. 

The woman was seated on the edge of the porch, her back to him, her toned muscle visible on what was a somewhat lithe and petite frame, giving her both the illusion of a pretty delicate maiden, and a hard warrior..  Ben recognized this type of musculature. It was usually only ever seen on Superhumans due to their muscles being supernaturally powerful to the point that how they developed athletically was a far cry from how a Non super human would look if they fought as hard as this girl, which would probably appear immensely muscle bound or large. 

The woman's rusty armor glinted slightly in the light of the setting sun, showing off a few red patterns here and there that hinted at her former glory. The sounds of scraping metal were heard as she used a whetstone on a katana on her lap before tossing the sword next to the pile of blades stacked next to her. 

"Careful with that!" snapped a voice.  It sounded young, but the way it spoke felt more like some sort of old man. "Put some good work into those ya know."

"Whatevs Murry.. we can make a few more if they break, what's the point!?" snapped the girl. Her voice was seemingly muzzled.. something about her helmet was making it hard for Ben to even gather thoughts on recognizing the voice. 

"Calling me Murry? I told you its Murama-.."

A man came into view. He was probably several years older than Ben. Maybe 18? His hair was red like an irishman, but his face was japanese. He was shirtless except for a red cloth that covered his arm and he wore a japanese blacksmith's pants and sandles. His body overall made Ben jealous with how immensely toned he was. 

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