Attack on Onigashima Part 3: Arrow of the Sun

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"Okay everyone." Mordred growled, ducking quickly behind a building. "Check your gear, make you're set. You have 20 seconds, then we keep moving!"

Diamondhead slid behind another structure as he slammed a hand into the ground and a huge crystal wall erupted in the middle of the road, blocking everyone from view of the shogun's castle ahead. "Here's some cover."

"You got everything?" Ushiwakimaru slid next to Hanzo and patted his waist. "medical rations, omnyoji supplies-?"

"I'm good Ushi, seriously." said Hanzo. 

Cloud stepped over to the main force, shouldering his large blade, scanning the crowd. "Got an emergency flare from Yuffie in the backline. She's been held back.. I don't know if she'll be able to reinforce Erice. I need somebody from the frontline to double back. Any takers?" 

"Erice!" Diamondhead growled, stepping forward. 

"Boss, you're the main lynchpin in our plan, you can't-." said Hanzo. 

"But its-."

"Don't bother!!"

Diamondhead looked up and sighed. "Well.. you're still here?" 

"Of course.." Thor sat crosslegged on a nearby roof, stroking his hammer nonchalantly. "Malenia's taking care of that girl of yours. She seemed to take an interest..  whoever Malenia fights is good as dead, long as its not me she's fighting, so ya might as well take it easy. "

"Even she's gotten involved." said Cloud, narrowing his eyes. "Our deal was done. Why are you both so interested?"

"Not tellin' ya. So fuck off with the questions." Thor snarled. "I've got my reasons, and so does Malenia.  Sephirah's no slavedriver, not like Sephiroth. She lets us have our own personal fieldtrips after we finish our ops. So don't think we're doin' anything to forward some 'evil plot' or whatever.. " 

"I didn't say-." Cloud began.

"Yeh, but yer eyes did da talkin' for you." said Thor. "So shut it blonde pretty boy. Your big overcompensating blade doesn't impress me." 

Cloud frowned and shook his head. "Nia's gonna have a field day with this."

"You're tellin' me." Mordred muttered. "Oi! Hammer Guy!"

"I have a name-." said Thor. 

"Whatevs Hammer Bro!" said Mordred. "You get in our way, I'll crush you myself."

Thor grinned. "To fight with the Omni-Arts master of Nia's Academy one on one.. oh joy.. sounds fantastic... say you leave your armor rusty on purpose? Or do servants just not have a good enough blacksmith on hand..? I swear to Helheim yer gonna get an infection wearing that shit."

"Says the guy with his huge belly button out on display." Mordred grunted.  "Alright chumps, ignore fatso over there, we're gonna need to-."

"If yer hankerin' on avoidin' punishment before the final battle, I'd avoid going down the center if I were you.. they seem to be rolling in some huge war machines.." said Thor. 

Mordred sighed. "Ben.."

"Yeah.." Diamondhead flexed his crystal fingers and a crystal spire erupted from under his feet, raising him above his crystal wall so he could see far down the street. 

Sure enough, massive metal crates with huge spoke wheels covered in black plated armor, flames erupting out of slits on the sides, were rolling down the front street. 

"Uhhh.." Diamondhead muttered. "What are those?"

"Demon Tanks. They have fire producing Yokai inside, churning up as much horrible flames as they can, so they can blast em out. The armor's about as impenetrable as that crystal guy of yours." said Thor. "One of em you guys can probably handle easy.. 30 of them however.."

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