Hanzo The General

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Ben and Erice stared  from within the large room, sitting on their knees in the traditional Japanese  way upon the cushions that had been laid out for them.. 

And across from them.. a kiseru pipe in one hand.. and dressed in a kimono.. seated in a casual cross legged position on a raised wooden stage, was Hanzo.  

(to get a sense of the room, I downloaded the illustration below)

Hanzo didn't smoke the pipe, rather he was eying it curiously before setting it down on a small tray before him with other strange looking artifacts

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Hanzo didn't smoke the pipe, rather he was eying it curiously before setting it down on a small tray before him with other strange looking artifacts. 

"I suppose this was all that was recovered from the raid.." Hanzo muttered. "Are you sure Lord Kinemon left a code in his belongings?"

"Yes my lord.." Ushiwakamaru bowed from where she knelt between Erice and Repo. "I'm sure it is related to the large cargo that the Shogun has been transporting."

Hanzo sighed. "How many times do I have to tell ya? You don't need to call me Lo-"

"All due respect, you are the leader of our movement." Ushi said quickly. "It is only right Lord Hanzo, please understand."

Hanzo sighed. Ben could practically see the discomfort in being called a leader of anything in Hanzo's face. 

Ben knew that among the entire Radiant Seven, if there were 2 people he'd have a choice between as leaders of the crew, it would be either Hanzo or Ophelia given their statuses as the most level headed people in the group (as well as Ophelia's pure experience as a 10,000 year old teenage vampire).  With Ophelia's frozen maturity being the only detriment to her viability.. But Hanzo had willingly and easily given the well deserved position to Ben. 

It was already quite obvious that he did not like authority. 

" Boss Tomura Benimaru was the leader"  Hanzo grunted. 

"But he's gone now." said Ushiwakamaru. "My Lord.. please there will be another time to discuss this, you're in the presence of guests."

Ushi leaned in close to Hanzo's ear and whispered. "And if I might add, powerful possible new allies."

Hanzo raised an eyebrow and glared at the group of Multiversal Heroes before him. "Hmmm well I guess I'll be the judge of that prediction."

Hanzo looked at Raijin who was sitting respectfully, his back straight, in spite of the nosebleed and obvious bruises from Thor on his person.  "Him I know.. him I respect.. We've been seeking to recruit you for some time Minamoto No Raijin, the oni whose said to have a secret grudge against the Shogun.. and the man who is said to be the only equal to Kintoki, the Golden guy himself.."

Raijin blushed slightly, but his tone and expression remained uncharacteristically respectful. "Th-thank you sir!"

"As for the rest of you.." Hanzo silently stared down Asuka, Repo.. and then Gojo, who just grinned cheerily. 

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