A few things before we start

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Hey there!! Thank you for reading "Across The Planetary".

I just wanna clarify some things before we start.

This book will be confusing, and sometimes unfinished. Please be patient if you have to wait a couple of months (or maybe years even) for the next chapter to publish. Some chapters are usually a few thousand long words, just to make it longer because I don't want each chapter to be short and have no storyline. I try my best to make all of the characters have their own traits as possible and make this as detailed.

Anyway, the storyline is that a retired military soldier leaves to help his wife (Jessica Farge) in order to help her with their daughter Aurora. Realizing he was set up so Jessica could hang out with her friends more often instead of staying with Aurora for her day— Milos is stuck, having to take care of Aurora instead of seeing old friends or family. He doesn't mind, though. He'd be happy to take care of his daughter, he just wishes Jessica could help out. But he's happy that she's having fun and not staying inside, like him. When he invites his best friend for a football game (Tanu Johnie), he gets unexpected call from his sergeant about an alien planet expedition to find out what lies ahead. He accepts the job, but having no way of taking care of Aurora, if he's not there. When fighting with his wife that she needs to take care of her own daughter, a fight breaks out between the two and Milos ends up getting kicked out with no choice, but to go across the planetary.

Also, here are how you pronounce characters names because I chose the worst names.

Aurora: AU-ROAR-AH

Jessica: JESS-ICA

Milos: Milo-s. Not Melio. Literally just Milo with a S at the end.

Saijha: hard, but extremely easy. SAI-JUH

Trilley: TRILL-EE

Jumie: JUME-EE

Micah: ME-CAH

Leucine: LUE-SEEN

Henry: HEN-REE

Theodore: THEO-DOOR

Sosa/Sosafur: SOS -AH- FURR



Returnians: RETURN-IANS

Actleekaa: ACT-LEEK-AA

Taija: TIE-JUH

Teejhane: TEE-JUH-ANNE
                     You won't ever need this, but if you ever get interested in learning about Spore460, you might need this name.

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