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The silent drive to the Space Containment Center— (SCC,) wasn't that long.

The taxi driver stops at where we can all three see the gates of the opening. We can obviously walk there, but why not drive in? After all, the Space Containment Center was an expansive facility that required some travel within its premises. As I squint my eyes at the gate into my new friend's window at the center— I can see a red sign that's obviously meant to be a warning to new guest, or unwanted.




-Theodore Calovih."

I took a deep breath, realizing that we were about to delve into something much more complex than I had anticipated. I look back into the view mirror where the taxi driver seems to be eyeing us. "Thank you, we'll get off here now." I say respectfully before moving out of the taxi car, including the woman on the other side. We both close our doors, and the taxi driver drives away from the gates of the center.

I look at the woman after the yellow car is out of our vision. "So, do you know the way inside?" I say, hoping for an explanation of the center's layout and procedures. She nods, leading the way towards the entrance. "Yeah, I've been working here forever. I practically know my way around any corner." she reassures me as we make it up to the gate's entrance. The red warning sign plastered at the entrance now came into full view as we stepped closer, its bold letters imposing caution.

She pulls out an identification card from her purse and swipes it at the gate, causing it to swing open with a mechanical hum. She looks at me, an signal to move. I look at her before moving inside— the gate closing before us. We walk through the expanse of the planetary research center, passing by busy researchers and engineers deep in conversation. "My boss Theodore should be upstairs in his office. You'll see it." she says as we both stop walking. "I need to head to my office, I'm quite late." she chuckles at her words, shaking her head.

"I understand, thanks." I smile after she speaks. She gestures toward the staircase, indicating that I should head upstairs. I realize that I haven't gotten the woman's name since the entire road trip to the gate. My smile fades as I quickly speak before she can turn away to the downstairs offices that are really spoken of. "Wait, I don't think I got your name." I say, wanting to grab her wrist just in case, but I kept my distance. "Oh," she says. "Your right, you haven't. It's Leucine." Leucine adds, sounding recognizable after she tells me her name.

"Milos, Milos Farge here." I smile once again to make her feel comfortable. Leucine nods appreciatively at the introduction. "Nice to meet you, Milos," Leucine says with a nod, her demeanor warm and welcoming. I nod comfortably. "You too." I say, she does a quick smile before making her way to the stairs. I don't stop her any longer, realizing I need to meet Theodore.


I head upstairs, feeling a sense of anticipation as I approach Theodore's office. Before reaching my hand out to the door knob, I sigh deeply feeling quite dramatic of my actions, I swing open the door. My eyes open as I feel encouragement somewhat near me. But, thinking I was going to be met with Theodore Calovih himself, instead, I was not. I widen my eyes to see a woman, once again. She looked younger though, no offense. This woman had dark brown eyes that were beautiful in the sunlight just like now, and messy dark brown hair. Her nails were painted black but I could tell she tried doing it herself. Spoiler alert, she was never meant to be a nail tech, but I can tell that's not what she is.

I raise a eyebrow, watching her carefully as I remove my hand from the door knob.

"Your not Theodore." I note.

𝚨𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝚮𝐄 𝚸𝐋𝚨𝚴𝐄𝐓𝚨𝐑𝐘 || THE FIRST CALLWhere stories live. Discover now