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As Sergeant hangs up on the other line, I leave myself thinking to my problem. I really didn't have to agree to what he said, I could've just said no to his request. But here I am standing where I stood talking to Sergeant about the Calovih. I sigh, leaving my phone on the kitchen counter before heading back to the living room. Tanu turns his head over to my gaze as I stop between the entrance of the kitchen's center and the living room. "Milos?" asks Tanu concerned. He still has his arm around the end of my couch, still seeming interested in the football show, but he knows he needs to worry about me right now. He continues raising one eyebrow at my confused behavior.

"Sorry, Tanu, I was just talking to somebody on the phone." I reply before making my way over to my couch. He nods following my eyes over to me once I sit down beside him. He's worried about me still, that's for sure. "It sounded like it was about something important, mind sharing?" he asks a bit quieter just for my comfortability. I'm not sure if it would really matter telling him about my conversation and thinking about heading off to the Calovih. He doesn't know anything about fighting like I do. "Well— I'll talk to you about it when I'm ready." I tell Tanu— stopping myself the very minute before I get into detail.

He nods with a agreeing smirk before heading back to the tv. I do smile at him to let him know nothings wrong— but it quickly goes away once he stops looking at me, and worrying.

Jessica races down the stairs with her phone and purse in both hands. She seems angry, for whatever reason. "I can't believe this! Just as my entire day seems to go perfect!" she says, after coming down the last step. I look over at her confusingly, while she turns to us for a moment to stop talking. "I'm sorry, why is he here, Milos?" Jessica immediately points her finger, swerving over towards Tanu before he turns to Jessica. "He wanted to come over. What's wrong with having him here?" I ask Jessica. I didn't really check in with her to see if Tanu could come over and spend some time, I just assumed she would ignore him. My fault on that.

"You have duties, Milos. You don't have time to invite your friends over. You're supposed to be taking care of Aurora." she explains, putting her finger down. I tilt my head in question once she mentions Aurora into the conversation. She's sleeping right now and I doubt Tanu would even mind if I had to take care of her for just a few minutes before putting her back down into her crib. He's great with kids, just a little bit. "I can invite Tanu whenever I want into the house. Aurora is sleeping, babe. I'm just having some me time." I admit to Jessica. She was way different in dating time. She groans before making her way towards the front door. "I really can't talk to you right now, I have my own problems then having to argue with you in front of your so-called friend, that I've never met before." she says while making her way toward the front door. "You've met Tanu, like all the time—"

"Milos! My day is already worse than it should be! My friends canceled all their plans with me today because they had— 'Problems at work.' I've never seen them work a day in their lives. And now I have to cancel my spa treatment each week because the lady is busy with other clients. Don't you understand how hard my life can be, Milos?" she says after she opened the door slightly. I can't believe she has the nerve to even talk about her issues. Those aren't even problems— those are just 'Somethings ruined for me, and now the whole world is ending,' type of dramatics. But I really don't have the time to argue with my own wife either, I still had to get this Calovih situation over with, and I still needed to find a babysitter for Aurora because there's absolutely no way Jessica is going to stop everything she's doing to take care of baby Aurora. She would find a excuse to not.

I could invite Tanu— then again, he could be busy himself. Although he might not have a job, who knows if he even knows how to take care of a young baby like Aurora. And I still haven't talked to him about the phone call with Sergeant and the Calovih.

I sigh, comprehending life since I've married Jessica that very moment.

𝚨𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝚮𝐄 𝚸𝐋𝚨𝚴𝐄𝐓𝚨𝐑𝐘 || THE FIRST CALLWhere stories live. Discover now