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The morning rises like an everlasting sunrise. Jessica had woken up earlier than I had. Usually, knowing Jess, she would be up at ten without responding to her own daughters calls of cry. Of course though, she decided to do it for the people. By the people I mean her Instagram followers. Not that she's famous or anything on any part of social media— it's just for the old people that might have baby fever or just some creeps. I told her I don't want Aurora being on social media anymore because I don't feel comfortable with having my child on a platform that who knows what kind of creeps could be lurking for a baby like mine.

As I make my way down our crooked stairs that could break any day now— Jessica sits in the dining room— which we never use — brushing her blonde beautiful hair to get a perfect angle for her selfie. I glance down at Aurora to check if she had any tears or anger because of this. Luckily, it only looks like she was confused by any means. I focus my eyes back on Jessica before wandering in next to her. "Jess—"

Jessica jumps to her own name. Her eyes widen as she adjusts how she holds Aurora, whom almost fell out of her own hand. Her other one was occupied with her phone. She puts her hand to her chest while laughing at her sudden behavior. "Milos! You almost scared me there!" she chuckles before going back to her phone— not even checking her own daughter. "Sorry." I apologize. "What are you doing? Taking selfies AGAIN?" I ask while nodding my head to the right before picking it back up for a response. "Yeah? Something wrong with that?" she asks clueless. "I told you not to post anything with Aurora being in it. You know how I feel about that." I say, as my voice begins to fade as I enter our kitchen.

Jessica doesn't say anything in response, but I don't hear the snapping of taking photos, so I'm content with that. I reach up to our higher cupboard and grab out two mugs before closing its door. "Coffee?" I say just a teensy bit louder, so Jessica can hear me. "I only drink tea, you know this." Jessica responds. I turn my head toward the dining room to see her. She's still sitting on her phone without making eye contact with me in the kitchen. I turn back to the coffee machine, putting only one mug inside, which was mine. "You love coffee," I continue. "You yell at me every morning to make you some." I admit. "No I don't, Milos. I hate coffee. I only drink tea." Jessica proudly says. Although, it sounds like she has a bit of anger in her tone.

She's wrong— Jessica loves coffee. No matter the time, she needs it. At least that's what she tells me. I've never seen her drink tea before, and we don't even have tea anywhere inside of the house. "I guess you won't be drinking anything. We don't have tea." I sigh deeply, giving my focus on the coffee machine. "Then go find it. I need tea, my therapist said I needed it." Jessica slowly turns her head towards the kitchen before returning back to her phone. "So you're saying you do like coffee but your therapist is telling you that you can't have it?" I chuckle. Jessica looks a bit more angry at my response. "Don't argue with me, Milos. If somebody says I need it, I need it. Especially my therapist!" she stands up from her chair and points her finger at me.

Aurora had fallen asleep somehow in her arms, she looked comfortable, but I knew she wasn't. I knew she woke up early because of Jessica. "Sorry, I'll get your tea tomorrow." I tell her, taking out my mug from the coffee machine. She grunts before immediately sitting back down after my response. "I'm going somewhere. I need you to watch the fetus while I'm gone." Jessica demands before scrolling on her phone. But I can't. I said I was going to be going to the Calovih thing, I even told Sergeant. If I say yes to Sergeant and didn't go— that would be like betraying a god. But I know Jessica, she won't let me leave the house for anything. A fire, and I would still have to stay in watching the baby while she goes out. I can't leave the house.

"I can't today." I reply quickly. Jessica turns her head back over to me. "What? You can't?" I gulp turning my gaze to her, stepping into the dining room. I put my mug down on the table. "I have a meeting," I say. "It's important that I go." I lie once more. Lying to your wife is horrible, I know it is. But right now is the perfect time to get out of here. It's like a escape room, needing to lie instead of finding the puzzle. "A meeting? For what?" Jessica says unconvinced. "Something important like I said. It has to do something with the military." I say. Jessica raises a eyebrow. "I thought you quit?" she questions.

"I retired, technically not quitting." I correct her. I'm surprised she's not arguing back already. "If you leave this house, then I won't hesitate to divorce you, Milos." she stands up from the chair looking directly at me. She has her arms crossed, it's obvious that she's mad. Aurora, whom was still in her mother's arms, looked even more uncomfortable. She woke up in confusion, and wiggled for a better position but struggled. "This is important, Jess. I really need to go. I can't always watch Aurora. Just for today." I try my best to explain.

I was scared that she was going to divorce me, but what was she going to do if she did divorce me? She has no job and would have to be a single mother. She wouldn't make any money from hanging out with her friends and she can't afford a nanny. She was most likely just trying to scare me, and I am scared. I truly do love Jessica, I've loved her since the very start, but now she was acting a pain since marriage. And even harder ever since Aurora was born. "I have more important things to do too. Just tell them that you can't go, you're staying here." she demands.

Maybe I should stand up to myself? It's not like she's really going to divorce me, if anything, I'm still taking the child. "So— you're really just going to lock me up in this house? Not letting me do a single damn thing?" I yell, scaring Aurora. Jessica gasps at my words, her eyes widening with shock. "You really want to start this?" Jessica speaks in a quieter tone. "I will call the police if you lay a single finger on me." Jessica reminds me. "I don't care what the police does! It'd be better than being here!" I admit.

"Then why haven't you left sooner? Because you were scared that the only person that truly cares for you wasn't going to be there in your life?" Jessica tilts her head in anger. "You are not the one that cares for me." I say. Jessica grits her teeth at the way I speak. She wants to hit me— but with Aurora in her arms, she doesn't do a single thing. "Leave." she whispers. "Oh now—"

"I said LEAVE." Jessica snaps her finger to the door, still holding Aurora in her right arm. Aurora begins to cry, and I don't blame her.

"I can't wait to see you on the side of the streets tomorrow." I say in a normal voice before leaving the house without looking back, slamming the door behind me.

𝚨𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝚮𝐄 𝚸𝐋𝚨𝚴𝐄𝐓𝚨𝐑𝐘 || THE FIRST CALLWhere stories live. Discover now