Chapter 15: Terra Vs Seth

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After having a bit of conversation with Zoey,
opening up about personal life with me and my dad,
omitting drama details between me and him,
everyone slept on the ride back to London.
It was around 3 when we got back and a 12 hour trip back so roughly around 3 pm when we got back.
Seth chose me to be his new Master which benefits me not because I now have two 0 like Selena but also because I got beef with the man.
We all returned to the Pope's office, where Selena gave a verbal report about the mission,
azura tried to defend herself,
and Seth proclaimed servitude to me via a contract/handshake.

So now,
because I shook hands with Seth,
I now have a Master Seal on my right palm to match the one on the back of my hand with Zoey.
The Pope and Shimura gave us 3 days off to adjust our sleep schedule,
and the Pope personally gave Selena the power to bench Azura for however long is needed.
In short,
Azura is in a lengthy time out as the London Branch is going through some changes.
Everyone returned to their apartments, and after everyone had about an hour,
I entered my Familiar's apartment, where I told Seth that he has two days off but on the third day off to meet me in training courtyard just outside the apartments next door and that we were going to throw down.

He looks at me like I'm stupid for a second,
but once he sees my serious face,
he just grinned and said ok.
I gave him a time,
Noon, sharp.
Two days passed in a blink of an eye as I adjusted my sleep schedule with minor trouble,
did some groceries shopping,
strum my guitar,
a bit of television,
and of course,
the day before the big dual,
my dad dropped off a box with a note on it.
The note said he went through some connections and got me a Paladin's Saber and that he hopes that one day I would see the light,
his teachings and be father and son again one day and that his door will always be open for me should I choose to come back.

I crumble the note and toss it into the trash can,
bring the box into my open,
and open it.
It looks more like a giant rapier than a functional sword,
but what do I know about the higher ranks?
I take the sword out of the box,
a pure black sheath with a sword handel wrapped in leathers with a smidgen bit of gold paint on the cross guard,
black pummel,
black cross guard,
and a silver blade.
On top of the box is a sword frog and belt for it to be adjusted to my side or back,
but I put that all down on the wooden table for now.
Now then,
the day of the dual.

I materialize my sword onto my back and leave my apartment,
catching Selena returning to her room with an empty laundry basket in hand. "Oh hey, where are you going with your sword on your back?"
She says,
propping the laundry basket on her thigh while holding it in the other hand while using her free hand hand to open the door to her apartment.
"To the training field to get some exercise in."

I respond as she narrows her eyes and nods,
closing her door,
and I get going.
"You're here early."
I look up at Seth sitting on a street lamp, waiting for me as his feet dangle from up high.
"I like to show up a few minutes early to special events."
Seth says as he jumps down.
Before we could truly get started,
I pushed the magic circle on the gate into this courtyard/training ground/field, whatever ya wanted to call it.
To paint you a picture,
it's a giant square with four black fences about ten feet tall that connect to the gate.

Now, having pushed that magic circle, an interference field gets deployed, meaning no one can hear us or the rain. Now,
the barrier gets deployed in the form of a giant cube as transparent as it was. You could still see the rain bouncing off the cieling of the barrier and a giant puddle forming.
Now I know what ya might be thinking, Terra.
If a puddle is forming and the fight takes too long,
won't the puddle form into a giant tub of water and eventually break the apartment windows?

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