Chapter 5: Numbered Days

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(Art work done by AI, it's Ventus Verona)

Everyone boards the slow-moving train that Alexander and Reed started up, building speed over time until it was zooming at full throttle!
Everyone ducks and braces themselves for a crash,
so I wrapped my arms around Ventus and Azura and cast a barrier around the whole team just in time before the train bulldozed through several walls.
The train head dangles off a higher floor, but it was low enough to the ground to exit it safely.

Once everyone got off,
guns came out,
flashlights on,
and lazers aimed at almost 180 degrees. As we proceed with caution down each hallway,
searching head to toe of all rooms, saying clear,
we could hear explosions going off, followed by a sudden spike in magic energy.
We checked out the window to see my father casting light magic,
causing the hallway on the other side of the courtyard to light up like a flash bang,
followed by a Latina woman to barrel out a door,
aim her ES 1911 silver handguns at the roof and open fire.

Shortly afterward,
several bodies roll off the roof.
"Woods, no time for distractions."
AJ says in a remindful tone,
so we pushed on ahead to the lower floors,
with each passing floor getting darker and darker,
the thunder roaring outside and the floors vibrating.
Something seemed off,
almost like they were welcoming us in only to do a stealth kill.
At the end of the hallway,
we entered a large dome like room with a glass ceiling looking up to the outside world.
The floor was made of stone slabs and recently damp,
so someone was here at one point.

Alexander says.
So we searched the whole room,
and right when we thought we came up with nothing,
two large gates open up,
and two large Artificial Demons came out.
One had dark blue skin,
blue eyes, horns,
and wielding a giant one-handed hammer with a chain and weight attached to the pummel.
The other had bright red skin,
red eyes, horns,
and wielded an inferno red flaming axe. Their master made his presence known in the upper sections of the room,
giving them a command.

"Ember, Rudra. Kill them all!"
The master in dark brown Exorcist armor and barret takes off,
leaving through the way we came in, leaving us with two behemoths of a beast to slay.
"Jeffrey, Reed! You two set the charges, we'll buy you some time! Once that bomb is set, everyone book it regardless if we kill these Demons! That's an order!"

Alexander commands as Jeffrey and Reed drive the bomb up some steps to the upper part of the room,
and the rest of us swarmed the Demons Ember and Rudra.
the red demon wildly swings his axe twice and then slams his axe onto the floor,
erupting several flaming pillars that chase us around the room,
add in Rudra the blue demon throwing his hammer and chain,
and you got a nye unstoppable team.

Everyone open fired all the bullets in their guns,
but these two still wouldn't fall!
I manifested my sword on my back and cast a full 360-degree barrier right as Rudra threw his hammer,
knocking my barrier back and me into the air!
"Terra! Seeker Mine with me!"
Azura yells,
so I crouched and touched the floor as she stabbed her sword into the ground. Both of us cast the same spells as the ice goes to Ember and explodes ice spikes into his legs,
stomach, and chest.

Rudra receiving explosions from me as both wobble and collapse to heir knees! Ventus,
Glacia, Maddie,
and everyone else hacked and slashed them,
but they were just regenerating too damn fast!
I tossed both my Holy Water Gernades and zapped them with a simple lightning spell,
making both explode and rain Holy Water onto them,
their bodies steaming/smoking.

Rudra was the first to get up and flip the hammer into reverse grip,
spinning the weighted chain and then striking it like a whip at us!
Everyone used the pillars in the room as cover,
but those pillars were quick to be punctured by the weighted chain.
A dirty blonde woman in a poncho from Alexander's squad fires her two uzis and runs laps around Ruda and a well-built 6ft 4in man with black hair and Exorcist uniform,
smashes his war hammer into Rudra's head,
knocking him over!

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